!function SandboxModuleWrapper() {
let core; let mod; let o = {}; const pipelines = function() {};
* Blackrock Sandbox Module
* @public
* @class Server.Modules.Sandbox
* @augments Server.Modules.Core.Module
* @param {Server.Modules.Core} coreObj - The Core Module Singleton
* @return {Server.Modules.Sandbox} module - The Sandbox Module Singleton
* @description This is the Sandbox Module of the Blackrock Application Server.
* It provides a virtualized environment within which to execute Javascript
* code that is un-trusted.
* @author Darren Smith
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2021 Darren Smith
* @license Licensed under the LGPL license.
module.exports = function SandboxModule(coreObj) {
if (mod) return mod;
core = coreObj; mod = new core.Mod('Sandbox'); o.log = core.module('logger').log;
o.log('debug', 'Blackrock Sandbox Module > Initialising...', {module: mod.name}, 'MODULE_INIT');
process.nextTick(function SandboxModuleNextTickCb() {
return mod;
* (Internal > Pipeline [1]) Setup Sandbox Module
* @private
* @memberof Server.Modules.Sandbox
* @function pipelines.init
* @ignore
* @description
* Tbc...
* @example
* Tbc...
pipelines.init = function SandboxInitPipeline() {
// noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction
// Fires once on server initialisation:
// Fires once per call to Execute Code on this Module:
* (Internal > Stream Methods [1]) Import Libraries
* @private
* @memberof Server.Modules.Sandbox
* @function importLibraries
* @ignore
* @param {observable} source - The Source Observable
* @return {observable} destination - The Destination Observable
* @description
* Tbc...
* @example
* Tbc...
pipelines.init.importLibraries = function SandboxIPLImportLibraries(source) {
// noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction
return core.lib.rxOperator(function SandboxIPLImportLibrariesOp(observer, evt) {
const {NodeVM} = require('./_support/main.js');
evt.NodeVM = NodeVM;
o.log('debug_deep', 'Blackrock Sandbox > [1] Libraries Imported.',
{module: mod.name}, 'SANDBOX_LIBS_IMPORTED');
}, source);
* (Internal > Stream Methods [2] - Operator) Setup Code Execution Endpoint
* @private
* @memberof Server.Modules.Sandbox
* @function setupEndpoint
* @ignore
* @param {observable} source - The Source Observable
* @return {observable} destination - The Destination Observable
* @description
* Tbc...
* @example
* Tbc...
pipelines.init.setupEndpoint = function SandboxIPLSetupEndpoint(source) {
// noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction
return core.lib.rxOperator(function SandboxIPLSetupEndpointOp(observer, evt) {
* Execute Code in Sandbox
* @public
* @memberof Server.Modules.Sandbox
* @function execute
* @param {object} options - Options Object
* @param {string} options.file - Path to File to Execute
* @param {function} cb - Callback Function
* @description
* Tbc...
* @example
* Tbc...
mod.execute = evt.Execute = function SandboxIPLExecute(options, cb) {
'Sandbox > [3] Call Received to Execute Code',
{options: options, module: mod.name}, 'SANDBOX_CALL_TO_EXEC_CODE');
const message = {parentEvent: evt, options: options, cb: cb};
'Sandbox > [2] Code Execution Endpoint Attached To This Module',
{module: mod.name}, 'SANDBOX_EXEC_ENDPOINT_BOUND');
}, source);
* (Internal > Stream Methods [3]) Create VM
* @private
* @memberof Server.Modules.Sandbox
* @function createVM
* @ignore
* @param {observable} source - The Source Observable
* @return {observable} destination - The Destination Observable
* @description
* Tbc...
* @example
* Tbc...
pipelines.init.createVM = function SandboxIPLCreateVM(source) {
// noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction
return core.lib.rxOperator(function SandboxIPLCreateVMOp(observer, evt) {
evt.vm = new evt.parentEvent.NodeVM({
console: 'inherit',
sandbox: {},
require: {
external: true,
builtin: ['fs', 'path', 'dgram'],
mock: {
fs: {
readFileSync() {
return 'Nice try!';
o.log('debug_deep', 'Sandbox > [4] VM Created', {module: mod.name}, 'SANDBOX_VM_CREATED');
}, source);
* (Internal > Stream Methods [4] - Operator) Get Code
* @private
* @memberof Server.Modules.Sandbox
* @function getCode
* @ignore
* @param {observable} source - The Source Observable
* @return {observable} destination - The Destination Observable
* @description
* Tbc...
* @example
* Tbc...
pipelines.init.getCode = function SandboxIPLGetCode(source) {
// noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction
return core.lib.rxOperator(function SandboxIPLGetCodeOp(observer, evt) {
if (evt.options.file) {
const fs = require('fs');
try {
const options = evt.options; const cb = evt.cb; const parentEvent = evt.parentEvent; const vm = evt.vm;
fs.readFile(evt.options.file, function SandboxIPLGetCodeReadFileCb(err, data) {
const event = {
options: options,
cb: cb,
parentEvent: parentEvent,
vm: vm,
if (err) throw (err);
event.options.code = '' + data;
o.log('debug_deep', 'Sandbox > [4] Code Read From File',
{module: mod.name}, 'SANDBOX_CODE_READ_FROM_FILE');
} catch (e) {
'Sandbox > [4] Error Attempting to Read Code From File',
{module: mod.name}, 'SANDBOX_ERR_READ_CODE_FROM_FILE');
} else {
'Sandbox > [4] No Need to Read Code From File - Provided Directly',
{module: mod.name}, 'SANDBOX_CODE_PROVIDED_DIRECT');
}, source);
* (Internal > Stream Methods [5] - Operator) Execute Code
* @private
* @memberof Server.Modules.Sandbox
* @function executeCode
* @ignore
* @param {observable} source - The Source Observable
* @return {observable} destination - The Destination Observable
* @description
* Tbc...
* @example
* Tbc...
pipelines.init.executeCode = function SandboxIPLExecuteCode(source) {
// noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction
return core.lib.rxOperator(function SandboxIPLExecuteCodeOp(observer, evt) {
evt.ctrl = evt.vm.run(evt.options.code, core.fetchBasePath('module') +
evt.cb({ctrl: evt.ctrl, file: evt.options.file, i: evt.options.i});
o.log('debug_deep', 'Sandbox > [5] Code Executed', {module: mod.name}, 'SANDBOX_EXEC_CODE');
}, source);