!function InstallerModuleWrapper() {
let core; let mod; let o = {}; const pipelines = function() {};
* Blackrock Installer Module
* @class Server.Modules.Installer
* @augments Server.Modules.Core.Module
* @param {Server.Modules.Core} coreObj - The Core Module Singleton
* @return {Server.Modules.Installer} module - The Installer Module Singleton
* @description This is the Installer Module of the Blackrock Application Server.
* It provides tools to install new apps from files (that may have been exported
* from another system) or from the Blackrock App Marketplace.
* PLEASE NOTE: This interface is undergoing development and
* is not yet functional.
* @example
* const installerModule = core.module('installer');
* @author Darren Smith
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2021 Darren Smith
* @license Licensed under the LGPL license.
module.exports = function InstallerModule(coreObj) {
if (mod) return mod;
core = coreObj; mod = new core.Mod('Installer'); o.log = core.module('logger').log;
o.log('debug', 'Blackrock Installer Module > Initialising...', {module: mod.name}, 'MODULE_INIT');
process.nextTick(function() {
return mod;
* (Internal > Pipeline [1]) Setup Installer Module
* @private
* @memberof Server.Modules.Installer
* @function pipelines.init
* @ignore
* @description
* Tbc...
* @example
* Tbc...
pipelines.init = function InstallerInitPipeline() {
// noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction
// Fires once on server initialisation:
// Fires once per CLI command:
* (Internal > Stream Methods [0]) Bind Module Methods
* @private
* @memberof Server.Modules.Installer
* @function bindModuleMethods
* @ignore
* @param {observable} source - The Source Observable
* @return {observable} destination - The Destination Observable
* @description
* Tbc...
* @example
* Tbc...
pipelines.init.bindModuleMethods = function InstallerIPLBindModuleMethods(source) {
// noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction
return core.lib.rxOperator(function(observer, evt) {
mod.switchRegistry = o.switchRegistry;
mod.download = o.download;
mod.install = o.install;
mod.remove = o.remove;
mod.list = o.list;
mod.details = o.details;
}, source);
* (Internal > Stream Methods [1]) Register With CLI
* @private
* @memberof Server.Modules.Installer
* @function registerWithCLI
* @ignore
* @param {observable} source - The Source Observable
* @return {observable} destination - The Destination Observable
* @description
* Tbc...
* @example
* Tbc...
pipelines.init.registerWithCLI = function InstallerIPLRegisterWithCLI(source) {
// noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction
return core.lib.rxOperator(function(observer, evt) {
'Blackrock Installer Module > [1] Installer registering with CLI...',
{module: mod.name}, 'MODULE_REGISTER_WITH_CLI');
core.module.isLoaded('cli').then(function(cliMod) {
{'cmd': 'install', 'params': '[app]', 'info': 'Installs a new app', 'fn': function(params) {
core.emit('INSTALLER_INIT_INSTALLER', {'command': 'install', 'params': params});
{'cmd': 'remove', 'params': '[app]', 'info': 'Removes an installed app', 'fn': function(params) {
core.emit('INSTALLER_INIT_INSTALLER', {'command': 'remove', 'params': params});
{'cmd': 'switch', 'params': '[registry]', 'info': 'Switches app registry', 'fn': function(params) {
core.emit('INSTALLER_INIT_INSTALLER', {'command': 'switch', 'params': params});
{'cmd': 'list-apps', 'params': '\t', 'info': 'Lists installed apps', 'fn': function(params) {
core.emit('INSTALLER_INIT_INSTALLER', {'command': 'list-apps', 'params': params});
{'cmd': 'search', 'params': '\t\t', 'info': 'Searches registry for app', 'fn': function(params) {
core.emit('INSTALLER_INIT_INSTALLER', {'command': 'search', 'params': params});
}).catch(function(err) {
'Blackrock Installer Module > Failed to register with CLI - CLI module not loaded',
{module: mod.name, error: err}, 'CLI_MOD_NOT_LOADED');
}, source);
* (Internal > Stream Methods [2]) Listen to Start Endpoint
* @private
* @memberof Server.Modules.Installer
* @function listenToStart
* @ignore
* @param {observable} source - The Source Observable
* @return {observable} destination - The Destination Observable
* @description
* Tbc...
* @example
* Tbc...
pipelines.init.listenToStart = function InstallerIPLListenToStart(source) {
// noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction
return core.lib.rxOperator(function(observer, evt) {
'Blackrock Installer Module > [2a] Listener created for \'INSTALLER_INIT_INSTALLER\' event',
{module: mod.name}, 'INSTALLER_LISTENER_CREATED');
core.on('INSTALLER_INIT_INSTALLER', function InstallerIPLListenToStartCb(installerParams) {
core.stopActivation = true;
'Blackrock Installer Module > [2b] \'INSTALLER_INIT_INSTALLER\' Event Received',
evt.command = installerParams.command;
evt.params = installerParams.params;
}, source);
* (Internal > Stream Methods [3]) Install App
* @private
* @memberof Server.Modules.Installer
* @function installApp
* @ignore
* @param {observable} source - The Source Observable
* @return {observable} destination - The Destination Observable
* @description
* Tbc...
* @example
* Tbc...
pipelines.init.installApp = function InstallerIPLInstall(source) {
// noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction
return core.lib.rxOperator(function(observer, evt) {
if (evt.command === 'install') {
o.log('debug', 'Installer > [3] Installing App...',
{module: mod.name}, 'INSTALLER_INSTALL');
} else {
}, source);
* (Internal > Stream Methods [4]) Remove App
* @private
* @memberof Server.Modules.Installer
* @function removeApp
* @ignore
* @param {observable} source - The Source Observable
* @return {observable} destination - The Destination Observable
* @description
* Tbc...
* @example
* Tbc...
pipelines.init.removeApp = function InstallerIPLRemove(source) {
// noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction
return core.lib.rxOperator(function(observer, evt) {
if (evt.command === 'remove') {
o.log('debug', 'Installer > [4] Removing App...',
{module: mod.name}, 'INSTALLER_REMOVE');
} else {
}, source);
* (Internal > Stream Methods [5]) Switch Registry
* @private
* @memberof Server.Modules.Installer
* @function switchRegistry
* @ignore
* @param {observable} source - The Source Observable
* @return {observable} destination - The Destination Observable
* @description
* Tbc...
* @example
* Tbc...
pipelines.init.switchRegistry = function InstallerIPLSwitch(source) {
// noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction
return core.lib.rxOperator(function(observer, evt) {
if (evt.command === 'switch') {
o.log('debug', 'Installer > [5] Switching Registry...',
{module: mod.name}, 'INSTALLER_SWITCH');
} else {
}, source);
* (Internal > Stream Methods [6]) List Apps In Registry
* @private
* @memberof Server.Modules.Installer
* @function listApps
* @ignore
* @param {observable} source - The Source Observable
* @return {observable} destination - The Destination Observable
* @description
* Tbc...
* @example
* Tbc...
pipelines.init.listApps = function InstallerIPLListApps(source) {
// noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction
return core.lib.rxOperator(function(observer, evt) {
if (evt.command === 'list-apps') {
o.log('debug', 'Installer > [6] Listing Apps...',
{module: mod.name}, 'INSTALLER_LIST_APPS');
} else {
}, source);
* (Internal > Stream Methods [7]) Search for App
* @private
* @memberof Server.Modules.Installer
* @function searchApps
* @ignore
* @param {observable} source - The Source Observable
* @return {observable} destination - The Destination Observable
* @description
* Tbc...
* @example
* Tbc...
pipelines.init.searchApps = function InstallerIPLSearch(source) {
// noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction
return core.lib.rxOperator(function(observer, evt) {
if (evt.command === 'search') {
o.log('debug', 'Installer > [7] Listing Apps...',
{module: mod.name}, 'INSTALLER_SEARCH');
} else {
}, source);
* External Method: Switch Registry
* @public
* @memberof Server.Modules.Installer
* @function switchRegistry
* @param {object} input - The Input Object
* @return {object} result - The Result Object
* @description
* Tbc...
* @example
* Tbc...
o.switchRegistry = function InstallerSwitchRegistry(input) {};
* External Method: Download Item
* @public
* @memberof Server.Modules.Installer
* @function download
* @param {object} input - The Input Object
* @return {object} result - The Result Object
* @description
* Tbc...
* @example
* Tbc...
o.download = function InstallerDownload(input) {};
* External Method: Install Item
* @public
* @memberof Server.Modules.Installer
* @function install
* @param {object} input - The Input Object
* @return {object} result - The Result Object
* @description
* Tbc...
* @example
* Tbc...
o.install = function InstallerInstall(input) {};
* External Method: Remove Item
* @public
* @memberof Server.Modules.Installer
* @function remove
* @param {object} input - The Input Object
* @return {object} result - The Result Object
* @description
* Tbc...
* @example
* Tbc...
o.remove = function InstallerRemove(input) {};
* External Method: Return List of Items
* @public
* @memberof Server.Modules.Installer
* @function list
* @param {object} input - The Input Object
* @return {object} result - The Result Object
* @description
* Tbc...
* @example
* Tbc...
o.list = function InstallerReturnList(input) {};
* External Method: Return Item Details
* @public
* @memberof Server.Modules.Installer
* @function details
* @param {object} input - The Input Object
* @return {object} result - The Result Object
* @description
* Tbc...
* @example
* Tbc...
o.details = function InstallerReturnDetails(input) {};