!function GeneratorModuleWrapper() {
let core; let mod; let o = {}; const pipelines = function() {};
* Blackrock Generator Module
* @public
* @class Server.Modules.Generator
* @augments Server.Modules.Core.Module
* @param {Server.Modules.Core} coreObj - The Parent Core Object
* @return {Server.Modules.Generator} module - The Generator Module
* @description This is the Generator Module of the Blackrock Application Server.
* It provides tools to generate new apps - providing the foundations for almost
* any idea for an application or app. There are currently no accessible methods
* exposed on this module.
* @example
* const generatorModule = core.module('generator');
* @author Darren Smith
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2021 Darren Smith
* @license Licensed under the LGPL license.
module.exports = function GeneratorModule(coreObj) {
if (mod) return mod;
core = coreObj; mod = new core.Mod('Generator'); o.log = core.module('logger').log;
o.log('debug', 'Generator > Initialising...', {module: mod.name}, 'MODULE_INIT');
process.nextTick(function() {
return mod;
* (Internal > Pipeline [1]) Init Pipeline
* @private
* @memberof Server.Modules.Generator
* @name init
* @function
* @ignore
* @description
* Tbc...
* @example
* pipelines.init();
pipelines.init = function GeneratorInitPipeline() {
// noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction
// Fires once on server initialisation:
// Fires once on each CLI command:
* (Internal > Stream Methods [1]) Register With CLI
* @private
* @memberof Server.Modules.Generator
* @function registerWithCLI
* @ignore
* @param {observable} source - The Source Observable
* @return {observable} destination - The Destination Observable
* @description
* Tbc...
* @example
* Tbc...
pipelines.init.registerWithCLI = function GeneratorRegisterWithCLI(source) {
// noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction
return core.lib.rxOperator(function(observer, evt) {
'Generator > [1] Generator registering with CLI...',
{module: mod.name}, 'MODULE_REGISTER_WITH_CLI');
core.module.isLoaded('cli').then(function(cliMod) {
{'cmd': 'create', 'params': '[name] [file]', 'info': 'Create a new app', 'fn': function(params) {
core.emit('GENERATOR_INIT_GENERATOR', {'command': 'create', 'params': params});
}).catch(function(err) {
'Generator > Failed to register with CLI - CLI module not loaded',
{module: mod.name, error: err}, 'CLI_MOD_NOT_LOADED');
}, source);
* (Internal > Stream Methods [2]) Listen to Start Endpoint
* @private
* @memberof Server.Modules.Generator
* @name listenToStart
* @ignore
* @function
* @param {observable} source - The Source Observable
* @return {observable} destination - The Destination Observable
* @description
* Tbc...
* @example
* Tbc...
pipelines.init.listenToStart = function GeneratorListenToStart(source) {
// noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction
return core.lib.rxOperator(function(observer, evt) {
'Generator > [2a] Listener created for \'GENERATOR_INIT_GENERATOR\' event',
{module: mod.name}, 'GENERATOR_LISTENER_CREATED');
core.on('GENERATOR_INIT_GENERATOR', function GeneratorModuleStartGeneratorCallback(genParams) {
core.stopActivation = true;
'Generator > [2b] \'GENERATOR_INIT_GENERATOR\' Event Received',
evt.command = genParams.command;
evt.params = genParams.params;
}, source);
* (Internal > Stream Methods [3]) Parse Params And Check For App
* @private
* @memberof Server.Modules.Generator
* @name parseParamsAndCheckForApp
* @ignore
* @function
* @param {observable} source - The Source Observable
* @return {observable} destination - The Destination Observable
* @description
* Tbc...
* @example
* Tbc...
pipelines.init.parseParamsAndCheckForApp = function GeneratorParseParamsAndCheckForApp(source) {
// noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction
return core.lib.rxOperator(function(observer, evt) {
if (evt.command === 'create') {
'Generator > [3] Parsing parameters and checking for app...',
{module: mod.name}, 'GENERATOR_PARSE_PARAMS');
const params = evt.params.trim().split(' ');
let appName = ''; let appFile = '';
const appPath = core.fetchBasePath('apps');
if (params[0]) {
appName = params[0];
if (params[1]) {
appFile = params[1];
if (!appName) {
console.log('You must specify a app name (and optionally a definition file)');
if (require('fs').existsSync(appPath + '/' + appName)) {
console.log('App (' + appName + ') Already Exists');
evt.appPath = appPath;
evt.appName = appName;
evt.appFile = appFile;
}, source);
* (Internal > Stream Methods [4]) Create New App Without File
* @private
* @memberof Server.Modules.Generator
* @name createNewAppWithoutFile
* @ignore
* @function
* @param {observable} source - The Source Observable
* @return {observable} destination - The Destination Observable
* @description
* Tbc...
* @example
* Tbc...
pipelines.init.createNewAppWithoutFile = function GeneratorCreateNewAppWithoutFile(source) {
// noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction
return core.lib.rxOperator(function(observer, evt) {
if (evt.appFile) {
let filesWritten = 0;
'Generator > [4] Creating new app without definition file...',
{module: mod.name}, 'GENERATOR_CREATING_APP_NO_FILE');
require('fs').mkdirSync(evt.appPath + '/' + evt.appName);
const rootFolders = ['controllers', 'html', 'lib', 'locale', 'models', 'test', 'views'];
for (let i = 0; i < rootFolders.length; i++) {
require('fs').mkdirSync(evt.appPath + '/' + evt.appName + '/' + rootFolders[i]);
if (rootFolders[i] !== 'controllers' && rootFolders[i] !== 'views') {
require('fs').writeFile(evt.appPath + '/' + evt.appName + '/' +
rootFolders[i] + '/stub.txt', 'Insert your ' + rootFolders[i] + ' into this folder', (err) => {
if (err) throw err;
filesWritten ++;
const appDefinition = {
'name': evt.appName,
'host': 'www.' + evt.appName + '.local',
'basePath': '',
'active': true,
const def = JSON.stringify(appDefinition);
require('fs').writeFile(evt.appPath + '/' + evt.appName + '/' + 'app.json', def, function(err) {
if (err) throw err;
filesWritten ++;
const ctrlFile = o.createControllerFile('controllers', '[Author]', {'get': {'viewFile': 'home.mustache'}});
require('fs').writeFile(evt.appPath + '/' + evt.appName + '/' + 'controllers/controller.js',
ctrlFile, function(err) {
if (err) throw err;
filesWritten ++;
// eslint-disable-next-line max-len
const viewFile = `<h1>Welcome to Your Sample Site</h1>\n<p>This is your new Blackrock App. Customise it as you see fit.</p>\n `;
require('fs').writeFile(evt.appPath + '/' + evt.appName + '/' + 'views/home.mustache', viewFile, function(err) {
if (err) throw err;
filesWritten ++;
// Listener With Timeout Feature:
const timeout = 1000; let timer = 0;
const interval = setInterval(function() {
if (filesWritten >= 8) {
console.log('App (' + evt.appName + ') Created Successfully');
} else if (timer >= timeout) {
console.log('Timed Out Creating App (' + evt.appName + ')');
timer += 10;
}, 10);
}, source);
* (Internal > Stream Methods [5]) Create New App With File
* @private
* @memberof Server.Modules.Generator
* @name createNewAppWithFile
* @ignore
* @function
* @param {observable} source - The Source Observable
* @return {observable} destination - The Destination Observable
* @description
* Tbc...
* @example
* Tbc...
pipelines.init.createNewAppWithFile = function GeneratorCreateNewAppWithFile(source) {
// noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction
return core.lib.rxOperator(function(observer, evt) {
// Setup:
let totalFiles = 0;
let filesWritten = 0;
'Generator > [5] Creating new app with definition file...',
{module: mod.name}, 'GENERATOR_CREATING_APP_WITH_FILE');
let appFile;
try {
appFile = require(evt.appFile);
} catch (err) {
console.log('Invalid app definition file provided');
// Create Root and First-Level Folder Set:
require('fs').mkdirSync(evt.appPath + '/' + evt.appName);
totalFiles += 5;
const rootFolders = ['controllers', 'html', 'lib', 'locale', 'models', 'test', 'views'];
for (let i = 0; i < rootFolders.length; i++) {
require('fs').mkdirSync(evt.appPath + '/' + evt.appName + '/' + rootFolders[i]);
if (rootFolders[i] !== 'controllers' && rootFolders[i] !== 'views') {
require('fs').writeFile(evt.appPath + '/' + evt.appName + '/' + rootFolders[i] + '/stub.txt',
'Insert your ' + rootFolders[i] + ' into this folder', function(err) {
if (err) throw err;
filesWritten ++;
const appDefinition = {'name': evt.appName};
if (appFile.host) {
appDefinition.host = appFile.host;
} else {
appDefinition.host = 'www.' + evt.appName + '.local';
if (appFile.basePath) {
appDefinition.basePath = appFile.basePath;
} else {
appDefinition.basePath = '';
if (appFile.active) {
appDefinition.active = appFile.active;
} else {
appDefinition.active = true;
totalFiles += 1;
const def = JSON.stringify(appDefinition);
require('fs').writeFile(evt.appPath + '/' + evt.appName + '/' + 'app.json',
def, function(err) {
if (err) throw err;
filesWritten ++;
const timerFn = function GeneratorModuleTimerFn() {
const timeout = 1000; let timer = 0;
const interval = setInterval(function() {
if (filesWritten >= totalFiles) {
console.log('App (' + evt.appName + ') Created Successfully');
} else if (timer >= timeout) {
console.log('Timed Out Creating App (' + evt.appName + ')');
timer += 10;
}, 10);
if (!appFile.routes) {
// Create Root Controller File:
totalFiles += 1;
const ctrlFile = o.createControllerFile('controllers', '[Author]',
{'get': {'viewFile': 'home.mustache'}});
require('fs').writeFile(evt.appPath + '/' + evt.appName + '/' +
ctrlFile, function(err) {
if (err) throw err;
filesWritten ++;
// eslint-disable-next-line max-len
const viewFile = `<h1>Welcome to Your Sample Site</h1>\n<p>This is your new Blackrock App. Customise it as you see fit.</p>\n `;
totalFiles += 1;
require('fs').writeFile(evt.appPath + '/' + evt.appName + '/' + 'views/home.mustache', viewFile, function(err) {
if (err) throw err;
filesWritten ++;
if (appFile.route) {
o.countRouteFiles(appFile.route, function(err1, res1) {
if (err1) {
console.log('Error Counting Route Files For App (' + evt.appName + ') - ' + err1.message);
// noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable
totalFiles += res1.fileCount;
o.generateRouteLevel(appFile.route, function(err2, res2) {
if (err2) {
console.log('Error Generating Routes For App (' + evt.appName + ') - ' + res2.err);
// noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable
filesWritten += res2.fileCount;
}, source);
* (Internal > Utility Methods) Create New App With File
* @private
* @memberof Server.Modules.Generator
* @name createControllerFile
* @ignore
* @function
* @param {string} path - The Path
* @param {string} author - The Author's Name
* @param {object} verbs - Verbs Object
* @return {string} ctrlFile - The Controller File (Text Format)
* @description
* Tbc...
* @example
* Tbc...
o.createControllerFile = function GeneratorCreateCtrlFile(path, author, verbs) {
const addVerb = function GeneratorCreateCtrlFileAddVerb(verb, viewFile) {
return `
* ` + verb.toUpperCase() + `
* @param {object} req - Request object
* @param {object} res - Response object
ctrl.` + verb + ` = function(req, res){
var context = {};
res.render("` + viewFile + `", context);\n }\n\n\n `;
const currentDate = new Date();
const fullYear = currentDate.getFullYear();
let ctrlFile = `/*!
* ` + path + `/controller.js
* Copyright (c) ` + fullYear + ` ` + author + `\n*/\n\n;!function(undefined) {\n\n var ctrl = {};\n\n\n `;
// eslint-disable-next-line guard-for-in
for (const verb in verbs) {
ctrlFile += addVerb(verb, verbs[verb].viewFile);
ctrlFile += `
module.exports = ctrl;
return ctrlFile;
* (Internal > Utility Methods) Count Route Files
* @private
* @memberof Server.Modules.Generator
* @name countRouteFiles
* @ignore
* @function
* @param {number} routeLevel - The Route Level
* @param {function} callbackFn - Callback Function
* @description
* Tbc...
* @example
* Tbc...
o.countRouteFiles = function GeneratorCountRouteFiles(routeLevel, callbackFn) {};
* (Internal > Utility Methods) Parse & Generate Route Level
* @private
* @memberof Server.Modules.Generator
* @name generateRouteLevel
* @ignore
* @function
* @param {number} routeLevel - The Route Level
* @param {function} callbackFn - Callback Function
* @description
* Tbc...
* @example
* Tbc...
o.generateRouteLevel = function GeneratorParseGenRouteLevel(routeLevel, callbackFn) {};