!function ErrorHandlerModuleWrapper() {
let core; let mod; let o = {}; const pipelines = function() {};
* Blackrock ErrorHandler Module
* @public
* @class Server.Modules.ErrorHandler
* @augments Server.Modules.Core.Module
* @param {Server.Modules.Core} coreObj - The Parent Core Object
* @return {Server.Modules.ErrorHandler} module - The ErrorHandler Module
* @description This is the ErrorHandler Module of the Blackrock Application Server.
* It provides tools to listen for and catch exceptions server-wide and to handle
* these exceptions, as opposed to letting the server crash.
* @example
* Tbc...
* @author Darren Smith
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2021 Darren Smith
* @license Licensed under the LGPL license.
module.exports = function ErrorHandlerModule(coreObj) {
if (mod) return mod;
core = coreObj; mod = new core.Mod('ErrorHandler'); o.log = core.module('logger').log;
o.errorCount = 0; o.errorMessages = {};
o.log('debug', 'Error Handler > Initialising...', {module: mod.name}, 'MODULE_INIT');
// noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable
if (core.cfg().errorHandler && core.cfg().errorHandler.enabled === true) {
process.nextTick(function() {
return mod;
* (Internal > Pipeline [1]) Init Pipeline
* @private
* @memberof Server.Modules.ErrorHandler
* @function init
* @private
* @ignore
* @description
* Tbc
* @example
* Tbc...
pipelines.init = function ErrorHandlerInitPipeline() {
// noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction
// Fires once on server initialisation:
* (Internal > Init Pipeline Methods [1]) Setup Error Handled
* @private
* @memberof Server.Modules.ErrorHandler
* @function setupErrorHandled
* @ignore
* @param {observable} source - Source Observable
* @return {observable} destination - Destination Observable
* @description
* Tbc
* @example
* Tbc...
pipelines.init.setupErrorHandled = function ErrHandlerIPLSetupErrHandled(source) {
// noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction
return core.lib.rxOperator(function ErrHandlerIPLSetupErrHandledOp(observer, evt) {
* Listen For ErrorHandled Event
* @public
* @event Server.Modules.ErrorHandler~event:errorhandled
* @description
* If you listen to the ErrorHandler module instance and detect an ErrorThrown
* event, you can handle it and then fire/emit an ErrorHandled event back to
* the ErrorHandler module instance to tell the application server that the
* error has been handled. This should prevent the server from crashing.
* @example
* Tbc...
mod.on('errorhandled', function ErrHandlerErrHandledCb(err) {
if (o.errorMessages[err] && o.errorMessages[err] === true) {
o.errorCount --;
o.errorMessages[err] = false;
delete o.errorMessages[err];
'Error Handler > [1] Setup Listener Method for the \'errorhandled\' event',
}, source);
* (Internal > Init Pipeline Methods [2]) Setup Uncaught Exception
* @private
* @memberof Server.Modules.ErrorHandler
* @function setupUncaughtException
* @ignore
* @param {observable} source - Source Observable
* @return {observable} destination - Destination Observable
* @description
* Tbc
* @example
* Tbc...
pipelines.init.setupUncaughtException = function ErrHandlerIPLSetupUncaughtException(source) {
// noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction
return core.lib.rxOperator(function ErrHandlerIPLSetupUncaughtExceptionOp(observer, evt) {
process.on('uncaughtException', function ErrHandlerIPLUncaughtExceptionCb(err) {
o.errorMessages[err.message] = true;
o.errorCount ++;
let counter = 0;
let timeout;
// noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable
if (core.cfg().errorhandler && core.cfg().errorhandler.timeout) {
// noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable
timeout = core.cfg().errorhandler.timeout;
} else {
timeout = 5000;
* ErrorThrown Event
* @public
* @event Server.Modules.ErrorHandler#errorthrown
* @type {string}
* @description
* The ErrorThrown event is fired on the ErrorHandler module instance
* whenever an unhandled exception occurs within the application
* server.
* @example
* Tbc...
mod.emit('errorthrown', err.message);
const interval = setInterval(function ErrHandlerIPLUncaughtExceptionTimeout() {
if (o.errorCount <= 0) {
'Error Handler > Thrown exception(s) handled by a listening module or service - ' +
err.message, {module: mod.name, error: err}, 'ERRORHANDLER_EXCEPT_HANDLED');
if (counter >= timeout) {
'Error Handler > Caught unhandled exception(s). Terminating application server. Error - ' +
err.message, {module: mod.name, error: err}, 'ERRORHANDLER_EXCEPT_UNHANDLED');
counter += 10;
}, 10);
'Error Handler > [2] Setup Listener Method for the \'uncaughtexception\' event',
}, source);