!function CoreModuleWrapper() {
let core; const modules = {interfaces: {}}; const globals = {}; const fs = require('fs');
let log = function() {}; let config; let pkg = {}; const basePaths = {};
const quickDelete = require('./base/delete.js');
* Display Console Banner
* @private
* @memberof Server.Modules.Core
* @name displayConsoleBanner
* @ignore
* @function
* @param {Server.Modules.Core} displayCore - Core Object
* @description
* This is an internal method that is only available from within the Core module. It renders a welcome
* banner to the console's stdout early on in server startup.
* @example
* // Scope: Being executed from within Core Module Internals
* displayConsoleBanner();
* // Output: The console banner with the IndustrySwarm logo is rendered in to the console
const displayConsoleBanner = function CoreDisplayConsoleBanner(displayCore) {
let alertLineOne = ''; let alertLineTwo = '';
const currentDate = new Date(); const fullYear = currentDate.getFullYear();
if (displayCore.status === 'Error') {
alertLineOne = 'Error Initialising:'; alertLineTwo = displayCore.reason;
,%% ,%#
&% /%%%%%%# %%
%% #%%%%%%%%%%%%%( #%,
%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% /%
% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % IndustrySwarm
% #%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Blackrock Application Server
% ,%% #%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%,*%%% %& % Copyright ` + fullYear + `, Darren Smith.
% ,%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%# %%%%%%%%%%%%& %
% ,%%%%.%%%%%%%%# %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%& % Server Name:
% ,%%%% (%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%& % ` + pkg.name + ` v` + pkg.version + `
% ,%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%& %
## % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% .% ` + alertLineOne + `
%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% &% ` + alertLineTwo + `
%% %%%%%%%%%%%%. %%
.%# %%%% ,%(
%% %%
* Calculate Base Path Set
* @private
* @memberof Server.Modules.Core
* @name calculateBasePathSet
* @ignore
* @function
* @description
* This is an internal method that is only available from within the Core module. It calculates the initial set of
* base paths that allow the system to orient itself as to where it's config resides as well as the folders that
* hold the Apps and the Cache.
* @example
* // Scope: Being executed from within Core Module Internals
* calculateBasePathSet();
* console.log('Base Path Set', basePaths);
* // Output: 'Base Path Set , { apps: '/path/to/apps', config: '/path/to/config', cache: '/path/to/cache' }
const calculateBasePathSet = function CoreCalcBasePathSet() {
let dirName = __dirname; dirName = dirName.split('/'); dirName.pop(); dirName.pop();
basePaths.module = dirName.join('/'); dirName = basePaths.module.split('/'); dirName.pop(); dirName.pop(); dirName = dirName.join('/');
basePaths.apps = ''; basePaths.config = ''; basePaths.cache = ''; basePaths.root = basePaths.module;
if (fs.existsSync(dirName + '/apps')) {
basePaths.apps = dirName + '/apps';
basePaths.root = dirName;
if (fs.existsSync(dirName + '/config/is-blackrock.json')) {
basePaths.config = dirName + '/config/is-blackrock.json';
if (fs.existsSync(dirName + '/cache')) {
basePaths.cache = dirName + '/cache';
* Import Base Class Into Module
* @private
* @memberof Server.Modules.Core
* @name loadBaseClass
* @ignore
* @function
* @return {Server.Modules.Core.Base} Base - Base Class
* @description
* This is an internal method that is only available from within the Core module. This method imports the Base Class,
* from which all other first-party classes within the system are derived. The base classes most primitive structure
* is the Augment Class Inheritance Library. On top of this we have added a fully featured Event Emitter object and
* attached a couple of libraries, including - RxJS (The Reactive Extensions) with a few custom operators and support
* methods, and the Day.JS Date/Time Management Library.
* @example
* // Scope: Being executed from within Core Module Internals
* const Base = loadBase();
* console.log('Base Class', Base);
* // Output: 'Base Class , Base()'
const loadBase = function CoreLoadBase() {
let Base;
try {
Base = require('./base/index.js');
} catch (err) {
let currentDate = new Date();
currentDate = currentDate.toISOString();
console.log(currentDate +
'(fatal) Core > Missing Critical System File (./base/index.js) - Terminating');
return Base;
const Base = loadBase();
* Setup External Module Methods (Log)
* @private
* @memberof Server.Modules.Core
* @name setupExternalModuleMethods
* @ignore
* @function
* @param {Server.Modules.Core} coreObj - Core Object
* @description
* This is an internal method that is only accessible from within the Core module itself. It creates a faux
* log method that checks whether the Logger Module is loaded every time it receives a log event, and if so -
* proxies that log event through to the log method on the Logger Module. This is done so that we can ensure that
* a log method exists as early on in application server startup as possible, simply disposing of log messages that
* it receives before the Logger Module becomes available.
* @example
* // Scope: Being executed from within Core Module Internals
* console.log('Log Function', log); // Output: Log Function, undefined
* setupExternalModuleMethods(core); // Run this method
* console.log('Log Function', log); // Output: Log Function, Function...
const setupExternalModuleMethods = function CoreSetupExtModMethods(coreObj) {
log = function CoreLog(level, logMsg, attrObj, evtName) {
// noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction
const logger = coreObj.module('logger');
if (logger && logger.log) logger.log(level, logMsg, attrObj, evtName);
* Blackrock Core Module
* @public
* @class Server.Modules.Core
* @augments Server.Modules.Core.Base
* @author Darren Smith
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2021 Darren Smith
* @license Licensed under the LGPL license.
* @description This is the Core Module of the Blackrock Application Server.
* It is responsible for loading all remaining modules and interfaces within Blackrock.
* This module exports the core object (an instantiated version of the Core class
* contained within) to the parent Server namespace. You do not need to instantiate this
* module's class (by calling the constructor), as this is done automatically for you.
* @example
* // Get Core Object (Calling Blackrock As A Dependency):
* require('is-blackrock').init()
* .then(function(core) {
* const log = core.module('logger).log;
* log('debug', 'My App - The Status of Core is ' + core.status, {}, 'CORE_STATUS');
* // Output: 'The Status of Core is Active' (if server has finished initialising)
* });
* @example
* // Get Core Object (From App Controller):
* const ctrl = function() {};
* ctrl.get = function(req, res) {
* const log = req.core.module('logger).log;
* log('debug', 'My App - The Status of Core is ' + core.status, {}, 'CORE_STATUS');
* // Output: 'The Status of Core is Active' (if server has finished initialising)
* }
let corePrototype = {
constructor: function CoreModule() {
if(core) return;
this.status = 'Inactive';
this.reason = '';
this.stopActivation = true;
* Void Method
* @public
* @memberof Server.Modules.Core
* @name void
* @function
* @description
* This method does not do anything. It exists in order to provide a work-around for when some method must be
* called on the core application server instance, but you do not actually need the method to do anything or to
* return a result.
* @example
* // Voiding (Calling Blackrock As A Dependency):
* require('is-blackrock').init()
* .then(function(core) {
* core.void();
* // Output: Does Nothing. I mean... What did you expect?
* });
* @example
* // Voiding (From App Controller):
* const ctrl = function() {};
* ctrl.get = function(req, res) {
* req.core.void();
* // Output: Yep. Still does nothing,
* }
void: function CoreModuleVoid() {},
* Initialise Core Module
* @public
* @memberof Server.Modules.Core
* @name init
* @function
* @description
* This method initialises the application server. It is called automatically when you are running the server
* in stand-alone mode. If you are running the server as a dependency for another application, then you must
* call this method on the object returned by require in order to start the server. The server will remain in
* an inactive state up until you call this method.
* @param {object} initialConfig - Initial Configuration Data
* @param {object} initialConfig.silent - True disables console logging (when embedding in your own app), Else False
* @param {object} initialConfig.test - True enables test mode, Else False
* @param {object} initialConfig.config - Configuration Block. See {@tutorial server-configuration}
* @param {function} callbackFn - The Callback Function
* @return {Server.Modules.Core} core - The Core Module
* @example
* // Initialise the Application Server (Not Available to App Controllers):
* require('is-blackrock').init()
* .then(function(core) {
* console.log(core.status);
* // Output: 'Active' (if server has finished initialising)
* });
init: function CoreInit(initialConfig, callbackFn) {
const self = this;
// eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
const myPromise = new Promise(function CoreInitPromise(resolve, reject) {
const resolvePromise = function CoreInitResolvePromise() {
if (callbackFn && typeof callbackFn === 'function') callbackFn(self);
if (self.status === 'Error') reject(self.reason);
else if (self.status === 'Active') resolve(self);
setTimeout(function() {
const welcomeMsg = {
'welcome': 'Blackrock Application Server',
'name': pkg.name,
'version': pkg.version,
'status': self.status,
'reason': self.reason,
core.emit('log', welcomeMsg);
core.emit('Blackrock Core', welcomeMsg);
core.emit('CORE_WELCOME', welcomeMsg);
}, 10);
if (self.status !== 'Inactive') {
if (callbackFn && typeof callbackFn === 'function') callbackFn(self);
const interval = setInterval(function CoreInitPromiseInterval() {
if (self.status === 'Error') {
} else if (self.status === 'Active') {
}, 10);
self.status = 'Preboot'; pkg.name = 'Blackrock'; pkg.version = '0.00';
// noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable
if (initialConfig && initialConfig.silent) self.globals.set('silent', 'true');
// noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable
if (initialConfig && initialConfig.test) self.globals.set('test', 'true');
if (!initialConfig || !initialConfig.config) {
try {
config = require(basePaths.config);
} catch (err) {
self.status = 'Error';
self.reason = 'No config provided';
if (!initialConfig && !config) {
try {
config = require(basePaths.module + '/../../config/config.json'); // Legacy Config Filename
} catch (err) {
self.status = 'Error';
self.reason = 'No config provided';
} else if (initialConfig && initialConfig.config) config = initialConfig.config;
// noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable
if (!initialConfig || !initialConfig.package) {
try {
pkg = require(basePaths.root + '/package.json');
} catch (err) {
self.status = 'Error';
self.reason = 'No package provided';
} else if (initialConfig.package) pkg = initialConfig.package;
if (!config) {
if (fs.existsSync('/etc/is-blackrock.json')) {
self.status = 'Preboot'; self.reason = '';
basePaths.config = '/etc/is-blackrock.json';
try {
config = require('/etc/is-blackrock.json');
} catch(err) {
self.status = 'Error'; self.reason += 'Malformed JSON in the Config File';
} else {
config = require(basePaths.module + '/_definitions/config-templates/is-blackrock-default.json');
basePaths.config = '/_definitions/config-templates/is-blackrock-default.json';
const canWrite = function CanWrite(path, callback) {
fs.access(path, fs.W_OK, function(err) {
callback(null, !err);
canWrite('/etc', function(err, isWritable) {
if (!isWritable) {
console.log('(error) No config file available, Please run again with sudo to copy a default across\n');
} else {
basePaths.module + '/_definitions/config-templates/is-blackrock-default.json'
if (config && (!basePaths.apps || !basePaths.cache)) {
if (config && config.core && config.core.locations &&
config.core.locations.apps && fs.existsSync(config.core.locations.apps)) {
basePaths.apps = config.core.locations.apps;
if (config && config.core && config.core.locations &&
config.core.locations.cache && fs.existsSync(config.core.locations.cache)) {
basePaths.cache = config.core.locations.cache;
if (!basePaths || !basePaths.module || !basePaths.root ||
!basePaths.apps || !basePaths.cache || !basePaths.config) {
if(!self.reason) self.status = 'Error'; self.reason = 'Could not establish valid base paths';
if (config && !config.core) {
if(!self.reason) self.status = 'Error'; self.reason = 'No core module section in config provided';
if (config && config.core && !config.core.modules) {
if(!self.reason) self.status = 'Error'; self.reason = 'No modules listed in config';
// noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable
if (config && config.core && !config.core.startupModules) {
if(!self.reason) self.status = 'Error'; self.reason = 'No startup modules listed in config';
if (config && config.core && !config.core.timeouts) {
if(!self.reason) self.status = 'Error'; self.reason = 'No timeouts listed in config';
// noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable
if (config && config.core && config.core.timeouts && !config.core.timeouts.loadDependencies) {
if(!self.reason) self.status = 'Error'; self.reason = 'No loadDependencies timeout listed in config';
// noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable
if (config && config.core && config.core.timeouts && !config.core.timeouts.closeModules) {
if(!self.reason) self.status = 'Error'; self.reason = 'No closeModules timeout listed in config';
modules.core = self;
// noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable
if ((initialConfig && !initialConfig.silent) || !initialConfig) displayConsoleBanner(self);
if (self.status !== 'Preboot' || self.status === 'Error') {
resolvePromise(); return;
self.status = 'Starting';
// noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable
if (config && config.core && config.core.startupModules && config.core.startupModules.length > 0) {
for (let i = 0; i < config.core.startupModules.length; i++) {
self.module.load('module', config.core.startupModules[i]);
} else {
self.shutdown('No Startup Modules Defined'); return;
self.on('CORE_LOAD_DEPENDENCIES', function CoreLoadDepCb() {
if (process.stdin.isTTY) {
const stdin = process.openStdin();
stdin.on('data', function CoreLoadDepCbStdInDataIn(chunk) {
if (chunk === 'e') self.shutdown('User Terminated Server');
const fs = require('fs');
fs.readdirSync(basePaths.module + '/modules').forEach(function CoreLoadModsReadDirCb(file) {
if (!modules[file]) self.module.load('module', file);
fs.readdirSync(basePaths.module + '/interfaces').forEach(function CoreLoadInterfacesReadDirCb(file) {
if (!modules.interfaces[file]) self.module.load('interface', file);
self.status = 'Finalising';
let counter = 0; let timeout;
// noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable
if (config.core.timeouts.loadDependencies) timeout = config.core.timeouts.loadDependencies;
else timeout = 5000;
const interval = setInterval(function CoreDepLoadIntervalCb() {
if (self.status === 'Finalising') {
clearInterval(interval); self.startEventLoop(function CoreReqToStartEvtLoop() {
if (counter >= timeout) {
'Core > Timed out initiating startup. Terminating application server.',
self.shutdown('Timed Out Loading Dependencies');
counter += 50;
}, 50);
if (!callbackFn) return myPromise;
else {
myPromise.then(function CoreInitCallPromiseThen(pRes) {}).catch(function CoreInitCallPromiseCatch(pErr) {});
return self;
* Return Configuration
* @public
* @function cfg
* @memberof Server.Modules.Core
* @property {function} cfg.update - Updates the Configuration
* @return {object} config - The Config Object. See {@tutorial server-configuration}
* @description
* This method can be accessed when calling Blackrock As A Dependency, and also from within the app
* controllers (if enabled in config: config['app-engine'].allow.cfg = true). It returns the application server's
* current configuration state. This state, of course, is originally read from the config file on the filesystem
* when the application server starts up. And can also be passed through or modified via the Init Object
* (the first parameter that you pass to Blackrock's Init Method.
* @example
* // Return Application Server Configuration Object (Calling Blackrock As A Dependency):
* const initObject = { config: amendedConfigData}
* require('is-blackrock').init(initObject)
* .then(function(core) {
* const log = req.core.module('logger').log;
* const config = core.cfg();
* log('debug', 'My App > Message - ' + config.core.banner, {}, 'MY_APP_SENDING_CONFIG_BANNER');
* // Output: 'Blackrock Application Server (Default)' (In Console)
* });
* @example
* // Updates the live configuration of the application server:
* require('is-blackrock').init()
* .then(function(core) {
* const result = core.cfg.update({'test': 'value'});
* if(result) console.log('Updated');
* else console.log('Update Failed');
* });
cfg: function CoreGetCfg() {
return config;
* Get Package JSON File
* @public
* @memberof Server.Modules.Core
* @name pkg
* @function
* @return {object} pkg - The Parsed Package File
* @description
* This method returns a Javascript object that contains the parsed content of the package.json file. If the
* server is running in stand-alone mode, then this will be the package.json file of the actual is-blackrock
* module. Otherwise, it will be the package.json file of the host application that is accessing Blackrock
* as a dependency.
* @example
* // Return Application Server's Parsed Package.json file (calling a dependency):
* require('is-blackrock').init()
* .then(function(core) {
* const log = core.module('logger).log
* const pkg = core.pkg();
* log('debug', 'My App > What's in the package? It's a - ' + pkg.name, {}, 'MY_APP_THE_PACKAGE');
* // Output: "Blackrock Application Server"
* });
* @example
* // Return Application Server's Parsed Package.json file (From App Controller)
* const ctrl = function() {};
* ctrl.get = function(req, res) {
* const log = req,core.module('logger).log
* const pkg = req.core.pkg();
* log('debug', 'My App > What's in the package? It's a - ' + pkg.name, {}, 'MY_APP_THEIR_PACKAGE');
* // Output: "Blackrock Application Server". But take note - you must enable this within the server
* // config (config['app-engine].allow.pkg = true).
* }
pkg: function CoreGetPkg() {
return pkg;
* Exit Process (Undocumented)
* @public
* @memberof Server.Modules.Core
* @name exitProcess
* @ignore
* @function
* @description
* This is an internal method that is only accessible within the Blackrock Module / Application Server Internals.
* It renders 'Shutdown Complete' to the logs and immediately terminates the application server process. It does
* not gracefully close anything down. It really must not be used. Instead, use core.shutdown()
* @example
* // Scope: Being executed from within Core Module Internals
* exitProcess();
* // Output in Logs: '20201201 00:00:00 (shutdown) Shutdown Complete' (and process immediately terminates)
exitProcess: function CoreExitProcess() {
const currentDate = new Date().toISOString();
if (!core.globals.get('silent')) console.log(currentDate + ' (shutdown) Core > Shutdown Complete');
* Fetch Base Path
* @public
* @memberof Server.Modules.Core
* @name fetchBasePath
* @function
* @param {string} type - The Base Path Type
* @return {string} basePath - The Requested Base Path
* @description
* This method can be used when accessing core where Blackrock is a dependency of your own project, and can also
* be used from within a app controller (where enabled in config). It fetches whichever base path type you
* specify by name when calling it. Options include - 'apps', 'module', 'config', 'cache', 'root'.
* @example
* // Return Application Server Configuration Object (Calling Blackrock As A Dependency):
* require('is-blackrock').init()
* .then(function(core) {
* const log = core.module('logger).log;
* const appBasePath = core.fetchBasePath('apps');
* log('debug', 'My App > App Base Path Is ' + appBasePath, {}, 'MY_APP_BASE_PATH');
* // Output: 'App Base Path Is /home/alice/my-local-swarm/apps' (In Console)
* });
* @example
* // Return Application Server Configuration Object (From App Controller. In - Say, a Stand-Alone Setup):
* const ctrl = function() {};
* ctrl.get = function(req, res) {
* const log = req.core.module('logger).log;
* const appBasePath = req.core.fetchBasePath('apps');
* log('debug', 'My App > App Base Path Is ' + appBasePath, {}, 'MY_APP_BASE_PATH');
* // Output: 'App Base Path Is /opt/blackrock/apps' (In Console, Stand-Alone Application Server Mode)
* }
fetchBasePath: function CoreFetchBasePath(type) {
if (basePaths[type]) return basePaths[type];
else return '';
* Globals Object
* @public
* @memberof Server.Modules.Core
* @property {function} globals.set - Sets global variable value
* @property {function} globals.get - Gets global variable value
* @description
* This object contains methods to get and set methods that are globally accessible across the
* Application Server. It does NOT need to be instantiated and can/should not be called directly.
* You can read more about the get method here - {@link Server.Modules.Core#globals.get}.
* And the set method here - {@link Server.Modules.Core#globals.set}
* @example
* // Set a global variable:
* core.globals.set('test', 'value'); // Returns: true
* @example
* // Get a global variable:
* core.globals.get('test'); // Returns: 'value'
globals: {
* Set Global Property
* @public
* @alias globals.set
* @memberof! Server.Modules.Core#
* @function globals.set
* @param {string} name - Global Property Name
* @param {string|object|array} [value] - Global Property Value - Will clear current key if left out
* @return {boolean} result - Set Result
* @description
* This method allows you to set a global property. It must be enabled within the server configuration, in
* "config['apps'].allow" to be accessed from within the context of an app. These properties (when set) are
* shared across all apps running on the server. It is a global key-value store.
* @example
* // For either 'Blackrock as a Dependency or from a App Controller:
* console.log(core.globals.set('ping', 'pong!')); // Returns: true
set: function CoreSetGlobal(name, value) {
if (!name) return false;
globals[name] = value; return true;
* Get Global Property
* @public
* @alias globals.get
* @memberof! Server.Modules.Core#
* @function globals.get
* @param {string} name - Global Property Name
* @return {string|object|array} value - Global Property Value
* @description
* This method allows you to get a global property. It must be enabled within the server configuration, in
* "config['app-engine'].allow" to be accessed from within the context of an app. These properties (when set)
* are shared across all apps running on the server. It is a global key-value store.
* @example
* // For either 'Blackrock as a Dependency or from a App Controller:
* console.log(core.globals.get('ping')); // Returns: pong!
get: function CoreGetGlobal(name) {
if (!globals[name]) return '';
return globals[name];
* Get Module Singleton
* @public
* @memberof Server.Modules.Core
* @function module
* @property {function} module.count - Returns number of loaded modules and/or interfaces
* @property {function} module.load - Loads a module and instantiates it's Singleton
* @property {function} module.isLoaded - Waits until module loads and then fulfills a Promise
* @property {function} module.closeAll - Closes all active modules
* @param {string} name - Module Name
* @param {string} [type] - Module Type (Leave blank for standard module, or enter 'interface' for an interface
* @return {Server.Modules.Core.Module} module - The Requested Module
* @description
* This method (when provided with a module name), returns the singleton for that module to the caller.
* Module singletons are instantiated at server startup - with this being configurable within the server config.
* Note: To use this method from an app controller, you must enable the modules you will have access to
* within the server config, along with the method names within.
* Eg; config['app-engine'].allow.modules[moduleName] = methodName (See {@tutorial server-configuration})
* @example
* // module() - Return the Module Singleton:
* const logger = core.module('logger');
* logger.log('debug', 'This is a test message');
* // Output: 'This is a test message' will appear in the logs (incl. console if enabled)
* @example
* // module.count() - Return a Count of Loaded Modules:
* const moduleCount = core.module.count('modules');
* log('debug', 'My App > How many modules are loaded? It's - ' + moduleCount, {}, 'MY_APP_COUNT_DEM_MODS');
* // Output: 10 (or however many modules have been loaded)
* @example
* // module.load() - Loads a module:
* core.module.load('module', 'logger', function(err, loggerModule){
* loggerModule.log('debug', 'My App > Hello!', {}, 'LOADED_MOD');
* // Output: "My App > Hello!"
* });
* @example
* // module.isLoaded() - Waits until module is loaded and then fulfills a Promise:
* core.module.isLoaded('cli').then(function IsLoadedPromiseThen(cliMod) {
* cliMod.register([
* {'cmd': 'drop-acid', 'params': 'mindset=happy', 'info': 'Takes you on a wild trip', 'fn': function (params) {
* core.emit('OH_SHIT_HE_DID_IT', {'command': 'start-trip', 'params': params});
* }},
* ]);
* }).catch(function IsLoadedPromiseFail(err) {
* log('error',
* 'My App > He Failed. He's now in the psych ward',
* err, 'DROP_ACID_FAIL');
* });
* @example
* // module.closeAll() - Scope is that it's being executed from within Core Module Internals
* core.module.closeAll();
* // Output in Logs: '20201201 00:00:00 (shutdown) All Modules Have Been Terminated'
module: function CoreGetMod(name, type) {
if (type && type === 'interface') {
if (modules.interfaces[name]) {
return modules.interfaces[name];
} else if (name !== 'interface') {
if (modules[name]) {
return modules[name];
* Is Server Ready?
* @memberof Server.Modules.Core
* @name ready
* @function
* @param {function} callbackFn - Callback Function
* @return {Promise} promise - A Promise
* @description
* This method waits until the server becomes Active and then executes upon a Promise, providing the Core
* Module / Application Server Singleton as the sole parameter within the Promise's Then function. If the server
* is already active it will immediately resolve the promise.
* @example
* // Check if server is ready (Only required when calling Blackrock as a dependency):
* require('is-blackrock').init()
* .then(function(core) {
* core.ready().then(function(newCore) {
* const log = newCore.module('logger).log
* log('debug', 'My App > Let's get ready to rumble!!!', {}, 'MY_APP_RUMBLING_ALL_OVER_THE_SHOP');
* // Output: "My App > Let's get ready to rumble!!!" (In Console)
* });
* });
ready: function CoreReady(callbackFn) {
const self = this;
// eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
const myPromise = new Promise(function CoreReadyPromiseCb(resolve, reject) {
const timeout = 1000; let timer = 0;
const interval = setInterval(function CoreReadyPromiseInterval() {
if (self.status === 'Active') {
if (callbackFn && typeof callbackFn === 'function') callbackFn(null, self);
if (timer >= timeout) {
if (callbackFn && typeof callbackFn === 'function') callbackFn(self, null);
timer += 10;
}, 10);
if (!callbackFn) {
return myPromise;
} else {
myPromise.then(function CoreReadyPromiseThen(pRes) {}).catch(function CoreReadyPromiseCatch(pErr) {});
* Shutdown Server
* @memberof Server.Modules.Core
* @function shutdown
* @param {string} shutdownMsg - Shutdown Message
* @function
* @description
* This method will trigger a system shutdown. It is always available from a parent application
* (where Blackrock has been included as a dependency). It is only available from app code
* (initialisation method or route handlers) if it is enabled within within the server configuration file:
* config['app-engine'].allow.shutdown = true
* @example
* // Shutdown the server:
* require('is-blackrock').init()
* .then(function(core) {
* core.shutdown();
* // Note: The server will begin shutting down now...
* });
shutdown: function CoreShutdown(shutdownMsg) {
const self = this;
if (self.status === 'Shutting Down' || self.status === 'Terminated') return;
console.log('Blackrock Core > Initiating System Shutdown (' + shutdownMsg + ').');
self.status = 'Shutting Down';
self.module.closeAll(function CoreCloseModsCb() {
* Start Event Loop
* @memberof Server.Modules.Core
* @name startEventLoop
* @private
* @ignore
* @function
* @param {function} cb - Callback Function
* @return {boolean} result - Result (True | False)
* @todo Add a confirmation screen if a console user clicks the 'e' key before triggering a shutdown
* @description
* This method is internal to the Core Module and can only be executed from within it. It initiates the
* Application Server Event Loop (effectively preventing the Server process from terminating until it is
* explicitly shutdown. When Blackrock is being accessed from the command-line as a blocking process, you
* can trigger the shutdown of the Application Server by clicking the letter 'e' on your keyboard.
* NOTE: There is no confirmation or warning - the server will immediately begin to shutdown and you will not
* be able to prevent it from doing so. Keep note of this. Ideally, run the server on a VM or in Docker where you're
* not dealing directly with the shell anyway - or as a system daemon - See the Daemon Module.
* @example
* core.startEventLoop(function(err, res) {
* if(!err) console.log('Event Loop Started');
* });
startEventLoop: function CoreStartEvtLoop(cb) {
const self = this;
if (self.status === 'Shutting Down' || self.status === 'Terminated' || self.status === 'Active') {
if (cb) cb({'error': 'Invalid State', 'state': self.status}, null);
} else {
setTimeout(function CoreStartLoopTimeout() {
// noinspection JSIncompatibleTypesComparison
if (!self.status === 'Shutting Down' && !self.status === 'Terminated' && !self.status === 'Active') {
'Blackrock Core > System Loaded, Event Loop Executing. Press \'e\' key to shutdown.',
}, 1000);
if (!self.stopActivation) self.status = 'Active';
if (cb) cb(null, {'success': true});
setInterval(function CoreStartLoopInterval() {}, 1000);
return true;
* Get Core Proxy Instance
* @memberof Server.Modules.Core
* @name getCoreProxy
* @function
* @param {object} myConfig - Configuration Object
* @param {boolean} [myConfig.cfg] - Make the cfg() method available? True | False
* @param {boolean} [myConfig.pkg] - Make the pkg() method available? True | False
* @param {boolean} [myConfig.fetchBasePath] - Make the fetchBasePath() method available? True | False
* @param {boolean} [myConfig.shutdown] - Make the shutdown() method available? True | False
* @param {boolean} [myConfig.globals] - Make the Core Globals Singleton available? True | False
* @param {object} myConfig.modules - An object of modules to make available
* @param {array} [myConfig.modules.cli] - An array of method names to enable for the CLI Module
* @param {array} [myConfig.modules.daemon] - An array of method names to enable for the Daemon Module
* @param {array} [myConfig.modules.errorhandler] - An array of method names to enable for the ErrorHandler Module
* @param {array} [myConfig.modules.farm] - An array of method names to enable for the Farm Module
* @param {array} [myConfig.modules.generator] - An array of method names to enable for the Generator Module
* @param {array} [myConfig.modules.i18n] - An array of method names to enable for the i18n Module
* @param {array} [myConfig.modules.installer] - An array of method names to enable for the Installer Module
* @param {array} [myConfig.modules.jobs] - An array of method names to enable for the Jobs Module
* @param {array} [myConfig.modules.logger] - An array of method names to enable for the Logger Module
* @param {array} [myConfig.modules.router] - An array of method names to enable for the Router Module
* @param {array} [myConfig.modules.sandbox] - An array of method names to enable for the Sandbox Module
* @param {array} [myConfig.modules.utilities] - An array of method names to enable for the Utilities Module
* @param {array} [myConfig.modules.validate] - An array of method names to enable for the Validate Module
* @param {array} [myConfig.modules.http] - An array of method names to enable for the HTTP Interface
* @param {array} [myConfig.modules.websockets] - An array of method names to enable for the WebSockets Module
* @param {array} [myConfig.modules.axon] - An array of method names to enable for the Axon Module
* @param {array} [myConfig.modules.nanomsg] - An array of method names to enable for the NanoMSG Module
* @param {array} [myConfig.modules.ssh] - An array of method names to enable for the SSH Module
* @param {array} [myConfig.modules.zeromq] - An array of method names to enable for the ZeroMQ Module
* @param {Server.Modules.AppEngine.App} app - App Instance
* @return {Server.Modules.Core.CoreProxy} coreProxyInstance - Core Proxy Instance
* @description
* This method provides an instance of the CoreProxy Class that acts as a proxy between the Core Module Singleton
* and app code, to ensure that the app only has limited access to the methods contained within the Core Module
* This includes limited access to modules that are accessible via the child module() method and apps.
* The method names defines within the myConfig[module] array can take one of three forms - a plain method name
* (eg; "log"), a nested method name (eg; "csv.parse") or a method name with a constraint placed on the input
* parameter (eg; "app(appName)").
* @example
* const config = core.cfg();
* const coreProxyInstance = core.getCoreProxy(config['app-engine'].allow);
getCoreProxy: function CoreGetCoreProxy(myConfig, app) {
// noinspection JSValidateTypes,JSUnfilteredForInLoop
* Blackrock Core Proxy Class
* @class Server.Modules.Core.CoreProxy
* @augments Server.Modules.Core.Base
* @description
* This is the Core Proxy Class. An instance of this class can be retrieved by calling
* core.getCoreProxy() - passing in a Configuration Object describing what subset of the full Core
* will be present within the CoreProxy, and the app Object for the app that the CoreProxy
* will be provisioned to.
* @example
* const config = core.cfg();
* const coreProxyInstance = core.getCoreProxy(config['app-engine'].allow);
const CoreProxy = new Base().extend({
constructor: function CoreProxy(cfg) {
const self = this;
* Optional Base Class
* @memberof Server.Modules.Core.CoreProxy
* @name Base
* @type {Server.Modules.Core.Base}
if (cfg.Base) self.Base = core.Base;
* Optional Globals Singleton
* @memberof Server.Modules.Core.CoreProxy
* @name globals
* @type {Server.Modules.Core.globals}
if (cfg.globals) self.globals = core.globals;
* Optional Shutdown() Method
* @memberof Server.Modules.Core.CoreProxy
* @name shutdown
* @function
if (cfg.shutdown) self.shutdown = core.shutdown;
* Optional Cfg() Method
* @memberof Server.Modules.Core.CoreProxy
* @name cfg
* @function
if (cfg.cfg) self.cfg = core.cfg;
* Optional Pkg() Method
* @memberof Server.Modules.Core.CoreProxy
* @name pkg
* @function
if (cfg.pkg) self.pkg = core.pkg;
* Optional fetchBasePath() Method
* @memberof Server.Modules.Core.CoreProxy
* @name fetchBasePath
* @function
if (cfg.fetchBasePath) self.fetchBasePath = core.fetchBasePath;
return self;
* Get Module Proxy
* @memberof Server.Modules.Core.CoreProxy
* @name module
* @function
* @param {string} name - Module Name
* @param {string} [myInterface=interface] - Set to 'interface' if requesting Interface, Else leave out
* @return {Server.Modules.Core.Module|object} moduleProxyInstance - A proxy instance providing restricted access to the module
* @description
* This method returns a Proxy Instance that provides configurable access to a module's methods.
* @example
* const config = core.cfg();
* const coreProxyInstance = core.getCoreProxy(config['app-engine'].allow);
* const loggerModuleProxy = coreProxyInstance.module('logger');
module: function CoreProxyGetModule(name, myInterface) {
let mods; let util = core.module('utilities');
if (util.prop(config, 'app-engine.allow.modules')) mods = config['app-engine'].allow.modules;
else mods = {};
if (!mods) return {};
const methods = mods[name]; const loadedMethods = {}; const fnNames = {};
if (!methods) return {};
for (let i = 0; i < methods.length; i++) {
if (core.module(name, myInterface) && core.module(name, myInterface)[methods[i]]) {
loadedMethods[methods[i]] = core.module(name, myInterface)[methods[i]];
} else if (core.module(name, myInterface) && methods[i].includes('.')) {
const methodSplit = methods[i].split('.');
util.assign(loadedMethods, methodSplit, util.prop(core.module(name, myInterface), methods[i]));
} else if (core.module(name, myInterface) && methods[i].includes('(')) {
const splitOne = methods[i].split('('); const splitTwo = splitOne[1].split(')');
const methodName = splitOne[0]; const fnName = splitTwo[0];
loadedMethods[methodName] = util.prop(core.module(name, myInterface), methods[i]);
fnNames[methodName] = fnName;
if (loadedMethods && !fnNames) return loadedMethods;
else {
const filteredMethods = loadedMethods;
for (const methodName in loadedMethods) {
if (fnNames[methodName] === 'appName') {
const newApp = {}; const myApp = core.module(name, myInterface)[methodName](app);
// eslint-disable-next-line guard-for-in
for (const subMethod in myApp) {
// noinspection JSUnfilteredForInLoop
newApp[subMethod] = myApp[subMethod];
filteredMethods[methodName] = function CoreProxyModuleMethodHandler(appName) {
if (util.prop(config, 'app-engine.runtime.apps.allowExternalAppAccess') && appName) {
return core.module('app-engine').app(appName);
} else return newApp;
} else filteredMethods[methodName] = loadedMethods[methodName];
return filteredMethods;
return new CoreProxy(myConfig);
* Get Module Count
* @public
* @memberof Server.Modules.Core
* @function module.count
* @param {string} type - Module Type
* @return {number} count - The Module Count
* @description
* This is a simple method that tells you the number of modules or interfaces that are currently loaded.
* @example
* // Return a Count of Loaded Modules (Calling a Dependency)
* require('is-blackrock').init()
* .then(function(core) {
* const log = core.module('logger).log
* const moduleCount = core.module.count('modules');
* log('debug', 'My App > How many modules are loaded? It's - ' + moduleCount, {}, 'MY_APP_COUNT_DEM_MODS');
* // Output: 10 (or however many modules have been loaded)
* });
* @example
* // Return the Module Singleton (From App Controller)
* const ctrl = function() {};
* ctrl.get = function(req, res) {
* const log = req,core.module('logger).log
* const moduleCount = req.core.module.count('modules');
* log('debug', 'My App > How many modules are loaded? It's - ' + moduleCount, {}, 'MY_APP_COUNT_DEM_MODS');
* // Output: 10 (or however many modules have been loaded). But take note - you must enable this within the server
* // config (config.appengine.allow.moduleCount = true).
* }
corePrototype.module.count = function CoreCountMods(type) {
if (type && type === 'interfaces') {
return Object.keys(modules.interfaces).length;
} else if (type && type === 'modules') {
return Object.keys(modules).length - 1;
} else {
return 0;
* Load Module
* @public
* @memberof Server.Modules.Core
* @function module.load
* @param {string} type - Module Type
* @param {string} moduleName - Module Name
* @param {function} [cb] - Callback Function
* @return {object} output - Method Response
* @description
* This method can only be called when accessing Blackrock as a Dependency or from within the Application Server
* internals. It's sole purpose is to load the module that is specified into memory and to notify the callback
* function when this has been completed - passing it the singleton for the module that was just loaded.
* @example
* core.module.load('module', 'logger', function(err, loggerModule){
* loggerModule.log('debug', 'My App > Hello!', {}, 'LOADED_MOD');
* // Output: "My App > Hello!"
* });
corePrototype.module.load = function CoreLoadMod(type, moduleName, cb) {
if (core.status === 'Shutting Down' || core.status === 'Terminated') {
if (type === 'module' && config.core.modules && config.core.modules.length > 0 &&
!config.core.modules.includes(moduleName)) {
if (type === 'interface' && config.core.interfaces && config.core.interfaces.length > 0 &&
!config.core.interfaces.includes(moduleName)) {
if (moduleName.startsWith('.')) return;
try {
if (type === 'module') {
modules[moduleName] = require(basePaths.module + '/' + type + 's/' + moduleName + '/main.js')(core);
} else if (type === 'interface') {
modules.interfaces[moduleName] = require(
basePaths.module + '/' + type + 's/' + moduleName + '/main.js')(core);
} catch (err) {
const error = {success: false, message: 'Error Loading \'' +
moduleName + '\' Module (Type: ' + type + ')', error: err};
log('debug', 'Core > ' + error.message, error.error, 'CORE_ERR_LOADING_MOD');
if (cb) cb(error, null);
return error;
const output = {success: true, message: '\'' + moduleName + '\' Module (Type: ' + type + ') Loaded Successfully'};
if (type === 'module') output.module = modules[moduleName];
if (type === 'interface') output.module = modules.interfaces[moduleName];
log('debug', 'Core > ' + output.message, {}, 'CORE_MOD_LOADED');
if (cb) cb(null, output);
return output;
* Is Module Loaded?
* @public
* @memberof Server.Modules.Core
* @function module.isLoaded
* @param {string} moduleName - Module Name
* @param {function} [callbackFn] - Callback Function
* @return {Promise} promise - Promise to Return
* @todo Allow timeouts to be sourced from config for core.isLoaded
* @description
* Calls callbackFn immediately, passing it the module singleton defined by moduleName where moduleName references a valid
* module. Or if it cannot find the module, it waits until the module becomes available and calls callbackFn at that
* point in time (with the requested module singleton).
* @example
* // Valid for when you're calling Blackrock as a dependency, or even as an app controller...
* core.module.isLoaded('cli').then(function IsLoadedPromiseThen(cliMod) {
* cliMod.register([
* {'cmd': 'drop-acid', 'params': 'mindset=happy', 'info': 'Takes you on a wild trip', 'fn': function (params) {
* core.emit('OH_SHIT_HE_DID_IT', {'command': 'start-trip', 'params': params});
* }},
* ]);
* }).catch(function IsLoadedPromiseFail(err) {
* log('error',
* 'My App > He Failed. He's now in the psych ward',
* err, 'DROP_ACID_FAIL');
* });
corePrototype.module.isLoaded = function CoreIsModLoaded(moduleName, callbackFn) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
const myPromise = new Promise(function CoreIsModLoadedPromise(resolve, reject) {
if (core.module(moduleName)) {
if (callbackFn) callbackFn(null, core.module(moduleName));
const timeout = 2000; let timer = 0;
const interval = setInterval(function() {
if (core.module(moduleName)) {
if (callbackFn) callbackFn(null, core.module(moduleName));
} else if (timer >= timeout) {
if (callbackFn) callbackFn({'error': 'Timed Out Checking That ' + moduleName + ' Was Loaded'}, null);
// eslint-disable-next-line prefer-promise-reject-errors
reject('Timed Out Checking That ' + moduleName + ' Was Loaded');
timer += 1;
}, 1);
if (!callbackFn) return myPromise;
else myPromise.then(function CoreIsModLoadedPromiseThen(pRes) {}).catch(function CoreIsModLoadedPromiseCatch(pErr) {});
* Close Modules (Undocumented)
* @public
* @memberof Server.Modules.Core
* @function module.closeAll
* @ignore
* @param {function} cb - Callback Function
* @description
* This method can only be accessed when accessing Blackrock as a dependency or from within the application server
* internals (through modules and interfaces). When you call this method, it immediately triggers a graceful closure
* of all modules and interfaces. This is one of the first steps that is called when you call core.shutdown()
* @example
* // Scope: Being executed from within Core Module Internals
* core.module.closeAll();
* // Output in Logs: '20201201 00:00:00 (shutdown) All Modules Have Been Terminated'
corePrototype.module.closeAll = function CoreCloseMods(cb) {
log('shutdown', 'Core > Attempting to Close All Open Modules.', {}, 'CORE_CLOSING_MODULES');
let modCount = 0; let stdModCount = 0; let interfaceModCount = 0; let counter = 0; let timeoutTimer = 0;
let timeout;
// noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable
if (config.core.timeouts.closeModules) timeout = config.core.timeouts.closeModules;
else timeout = 2000;
stdModCount += Object.keys(modules).length;
stdModCount = stdModCount - 1;
interfaceModCount += Object.keys(modules.interfaces).length;
modCount = stdModCount + interfaceModCount;
const interval = setInterval(function CoreCloseModsIntervalCb() {
if (counter >= (modCount - 1)) {
'Core > Modules All Closed Successfully ('+counter+'/'+(modCount - 1)+').',
{module: 'core'}, 'CORE_MODS_CLOSED');
cb(null, {success: true, message: 'Modules All Closed Successfully'});
if (timeoutTimer > timeout) {
'Blackrock Core > Module Closure Timed Out ('+counter+'/'+(modCount - 1)+' Closed Successfully).',
{module: 'core'}, 'CORE_TIMEOUT_CLOSING_MODS');
cb({message: 'Module Shutdown Timed Out'}, null);
timeoutTimer += 500;
}, 500);
process.nextTick(function CoreCloseModsNextTickCb() {
core.on('module-shut-down', function CoreCloseModsOnModShutdownCb() {
counter ++;
core.emit('shutdown', 'All Modules Have Been Terminated');
* Update Server Configuration
* @memberof Server.Modules.Core
* @function cfg.update
* @param {object} cfg - Configuration Object
* @return {boolean} result - Result of Configuration Update
* @description
* This method updates the server's live Configuration Object with a new set of data, replacing the data that
* existed prior to the update within the live Configuration Object. It can only be called from modules within
* the Application Server, or where Blackrock is being used as a dependency.
* @example
* // Updates the live configuration of the application server:
* require('is-blackrock').init()
* .then(function(core) {
* const result = core.cfg.update({'test': 'value'});
* if(result) console.log('Updated');
* else console.log('Update Failed');
* });
corePrototype.cfg.update = function CoreUpdateCfg(cfg) {
if (!cfg) return false;
config = cfg;
return true;
// noinspection JSValidateTypeså
const Core = new Base().extend(corePrototype);
* @class Server.Modules.Core.Module
* @augments Server.Modules.Core
* @param {string} name - The name of the module being instantiated
* @description
* This class provides a base class for all modules to inherit from. It contains common methods that all
* modules inherit. It is only accessible from within the Application Server, or where Blackrock is accessed
* as a Dependency.
* @example
* const superMod = new core.Mod('SuperMod');
const Mod = new Core().extend({
* Module Constructor
* @memberof Server.Modules.Core.Module
* @private
* @ignore
* @function
* @param {string} name - Name of Module
* @description
* This is the constructor for the Module Class. It takes one parameter - the module name.
* @example
* const superMod = new core.Mod('SuperMod');
constructor: function Module(name) {
const self = this;
if (name) {
self.name = name;
self.uber.on('shutdown', function ModuleOnShutdownCb() {
* Unload Module
* @memberof Server.Modules.Core.Module
* @name unload
* @private
* @ignore
* @function
* @description
* This method (when called) will unload the module - causing it to 'self destruct'.
* @example
* const superMod = new core.Mod('SuperMod');
* superMod.unload();
unload: function ModuleUnload() {
const self = this;
log('debug', self.name + ' Module > Module Unloaded', {}, 'CORE_MOD_UNLOADED');
self.uber.emit('module-shut-down', self.name);
* @class Server.Modules.Core.Interface
* @augments Server.Modules.Core.Module
* @param {string} name - The name of the interface being instantiated
* @description
* This class provides a base class for all interfaces to inherit from. It contains common methods that all
* interfaces inherit. It is only accessible from within the Application Server, or where Blackrock is accessed
* as a Dependency.
* Interfaces allow Blackrock to "talk" in the language of difference communications protocols. Amongst these are
* HTTP(S), WebSockets, Axon, NanoMSG, SSH and ZeroMQ. This gives you the freedom to design the best service
* architecture for your business - whether that be a single monolith, or a collection of microservices - which
* you may own all of, or may own a few - perhaps subscribing to cloud versions of some of these services (Identity
* would be a good example).
* @example
* const superInterface = new core.Mod('SuperInterface');
const Interface = new Mod().extend({
* Interface Constructor
* @memberof Server.Modules.Core.Interface
* @private
* @ignore
* @function
* @param {string} name - Name of Module
* @description
* This is the constructor for the Interface Class. It takes one parameter - the interface name.
* @example
* const superInterface = new core.Mod('SuperInterface');
constructor: function Interface(name) {
const self = this;
self.name = name;
self.uber.uber.on('shutdown', function InterfaceShutdownCb() {
* Instance Repository
* @ignore
instances: {},
* Start Interface Instances
* @memberof Server.Modules.Core.Interface
* @name startInstances
* @private
* @ignore
* @function
* @description
* This method starts an interface's instances. It is an internal method that is normally only called from
* within the Interface itself. The reason why we might want multiple instances of an interface active is
* because Blackrock gives you the capability the launch more than one instance - where each listens to a
* different port. This opens up all of the ports to you to use. Combined with the highly configurable Router
* Module, you are able to route as many interface instances as you would like, listening on as many different
* ports as you would like - with some being routed to the same app (like an HTTP + an SSH instance) and others
* being routed to completely different apps running on the one Blackrock node.
* You could even drop a reverse proxy like haProxy (which has a great web UI when installed into the pfSense
* firewall) in front of the Blackrock Server node and route different domains or even paths to the different
* ports that are open, each pointing to a completely different app.
* @example
* superInterface.startInstances();
startInstances: function InterfaceStartInstances() {
const self = this;
process.nextTick(function InterfaceStartInstancesNextTickCb() {
const myName = self.name.toLowerCase();
if (!core.cfg().interfaces || !core.cfg().interfaces[myName]) {
self.name + ' Interface > No interfaces defined in System Configuration File.',
{name: self.name}, 'INTERFACE_NONE_DEFINED'); return;
if (!core.cfg().router || !core.cfg().router.instances) {
self.name + ' Interface > Cannot start interface instances as there are no routers defined.',
{name: self.name}, 'INTERFACE_NO_ROUTERS');
// eslint-disable-next-line guard-for-in
for (const intfc in core.cfg().interfaces[myName]) {
// noinspection JSUnfilteredForInLoop
const cfg = core.cfg().interfaces[myName][intfc];
// noinspection JSUnfilteredForInLoop
if (self.instances[intfc]) {
self.name +
' Interface > Attempting to load an interface instance that has already been loaded (' + intfc + ').',
} else if (!cfg.enabled || cfg.enabled !== true) {
self.name +
// eslint-disable-next-line max-len
' Interface Module > Attempting to load an interface instance that is not enabled in the system configuration (' + intfc + ').',
} else {
// noinspection JSUnfilteredForInLoop
* Get List of Interface Instances
* @memberof Server.Modules.Core.Interface
* @name list
* @function
* @return {array} instances - A List of Instances
* @description
* This method returns a list of available instances for an interface.
* @example
* // Returns a list of interface instances:
* require('is-blackrock').init()
* .then(function(core) {
* const httpInterface = core.module('http', 'interface');
* const instanceList = httpInterface.list();
* console.log(instanceList)
* // Output: ['instance1', 'instance2', 'instance3']
* });
list: function InterfaceListInstances() {
const self = this;
return Object.keys(self.instances);
* Get Interface Instance
* @memberof Server.Modules.Core.Interface
* @name get
* @function
* @param {string} name - Instance Name
* @return {object} instance - The Requested Instance
* @description
* This method returns the requested instance from an interface.
* @example
* // Returns an instance from an interface:
* require('is-blackrock').init()
* .then(function(core) {
* const httpInterface = core.module('http', 'interface');
* const instance = httpInterface.get('default');
* });
get: function InterfaceGetInstance(name) {
const self = this;
if (!self.instances[name]) return false;
else return self.instances[name];
* Unload Interface Instances
* @memberof Server.Modules.Core.Interface
* @name unload
* @private
* @ignore
* @function
* @description
* This method calls the other Interface class method - closeInstances(). And then upon the success of this
* method, it alerts the Application Server that the Interface has shutdown. And then it deletes itself.
* @example
* const httpInterface = core.module('http', 'interface');
* httpInterface.unload();
* // The interface now shuts down and unloads itself
unload: function InterfaceUnload() {
const self = this;
self.closeInstances(function InterfaceUnloadCloseInstancesCb() {
self.name + ' Interface > Closing interface instances... Succeeded.',
{name: self.name}, 'INTERFACE_INSTANCES_CLOSED');
self.uber.emit('module-shut-down', self.name);
* Close Interface Instances
* @memberof Server.Modules.Core.Interface
* @name closeInstances
* @private
* @ignore
* @function
* @param {function} cb - Callback Function
* @description
* This method forces the interface to close all active instances that are running within it.
* @example
* superInterface.closeInstances(function(err, res){
* if(res) console.log('All Instances Closed');
* })
closeInstances: function InterfaceCloseInstances(cb) {
let totalInterfaces = 0; let interfacesClosed = 0;
totalInterfaces += Object.keys(this.instances).length;
for (const name in this.instances) {
if (this.instances[name].server && this.instances[name].server.close) {
this.instances[name].server.close(function InterfaceCloseInstancesCloseCb(err) {
if (!err) interfacesClosed ++;
let counter = 0; const timeout = 5000;
const interval = setInterval(function InterfaceCloseInstancesTimeout() {
if (interfacesClosed >= totalInterfaces) {
cb(null, {success: true}); return;
if (counter >= timeout) {
cb({success: false}, null); return;
counter += 500;
}, 500);
* Core Module Singleton
* @type Server.Modules.Core
* @instance
* @description
* This is the core module singleton that is exported as the sole variable from the Core Module's main.js file. Where
* Blackrock is being accessed as a dependency - this is the interface through which the host application will
* communicate with the Blackrock Application Server - passing instructions and listening to events.
* @example
* // This example is from the perspective of a host application:
* const blackrock = require('is-blackrock');
* blackrock.init().then(function(core){
* console.log('Server Status - ' + core.status);
* }).catch(function(err){
* console.log('ERROR!');
* });
core = module.exports = new Core();
* Base Class Pointer Within Core Object
* @type Server.Modules.Core.Base
core.Base = Base;
* Core Class Pointer Within Core Object
* @type Server.Modules.Core
core.Core = Core;
* Mod Class Pointer Within Core Object
* @type Server.Modules.Core.Module
core.Mod = Mod;
* Interface Class Pointer Within Core Object
* @type Server.Modules.Core.Interface
core.Interface = Interface;