!function AppEngineWrapper() {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-extend-native
String.prototype.endsWith = function AppEngineEndWith(suffix) {
return this.indexOf(suffix, this.length - suffix.length) !== -1;
let core; let mod; let o = {}; const pipelines = function() {};
/* let Service; let log; const services = {}; let config; let util; const loadMessages = {}; */
* Blackrock AppEngine Module
* @public
* @class Server.Modules.AppEngine
* @augments Server.Modules.Core.Module
* @param {Server.Modules.Core} coreObj - The Core Module Singleton
* @return {Server.Modules.AppEngine} module - The AppEngine Module Singleton
* @description This is the AppEngine Module of the Blackrock Application Server.
* It loads all apps and the controllers and other files within them and manages
* access to all of these files - in tandem with the Router Module - from any
* Interface. It also exposes a Swagger 2.0 Compliant API Definition file for each
* of your apps (can be toggled on/off in config), which can easily be paired up
* with SwaggerUI in your app's html folder for quick and easy documentation and
* testing.
* @author Darren Smith
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2021 Darren Smith
* @license Licensed under the LGPL license.
module.exports = function AppEngineModule(coreObj) {
if (mod) return mod;
core = coreObj; mod = new core.Mod('AppEngine');
// noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction
core.module.isLoaded('utilities').then(function AppEngineModuleIsUtilLoadedThen(utilMod) {
o.util = utilMod;
}).catch(function AppEngineModuleIsUtilLoadedCatch(err) {
core.shutdown('' + JSON.parse(err));
o.log = core.module('logger').log; o.config = core.cfg();
o.apps = {}; o.loadMessages = {};
o.log('debug', 'AppEngine > Initialising...',
{module: mod.name}, 'MODULE_INIT');
o.App = new core.Mod().extend({constructor: function AppEngineAppBuilder() {}});
process.nextTick(function() {
return mod;
* (Internal > Pipeline [1]) Initialisation Pipeline
* @private
* @memberof Server.Modules.AppEngine
* @function pipelines.init
* @ignore
* @description
* Tbc...
* @example
* Tbc...
pipelines.init = function AppEngineInitPipeline() {
// noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction
// Fires once on server initialisation:
// Fires once per loaded app:
// Fires once per controller within each loaded app:
* (Internal > Pipeline [2]) Search Pipeline
* @private
* @memberof Server.Modules.AppEngine
* @function pipelines.search
* @ignore
* @description
* Tbc...
* @example
* Tbc...
pipelines.search = function AppEngineSearchPipeline(event, cb) {
// noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction
// Fires once per app route search query:
).subscribe(function AppEngineSPLSubscribe(result) {
* (Internal > Stream Methods [1]) Bind Unload Method
* @private
* @memberof Server.Modules.AppEngine
* @function pipelines.init.bindUnloadMethod
* @ignore
* @param {observable} source - The Source Observable
* @return {observable} destination - The Destination Observable
* @description
* Tbc...
* @example
* Tbc...
pipelines.init.bindUnloadMethod = function AppEngineIPLBindUnloadMethod(source) {
// noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction
return core.lib.rxOperator(function AppEngineIPLBindUnloadMethod(observer, evt) {
* Unload The AppEngine Module
* @private
* @memberof Server.Modules.AppEngine
* @function unload
* @ignore
* @description
* Tbc...
* @example
* Tbc...
mod.unload = function AppEngineUnload() {
const closeControllers = function AppEngineUnloadCloseCtrl(cb) {
let ctrlCount = 0; let counter = 0;
if (o.apps) {
for (const app in o.apps) {
// noinspection JSUnfilteredForInLoop
if (o.apps[app].routes && o.apps[app].routes.length > 0) {
// noinspection JSUnfilteredForInLoop
ctrlCount += o.apps[app].routes.length;
if (ctrlCount === 0) {
for (const app in o.apps) {
// noinspection JSUnfilteredForInLoop
if (o.apps[app].routes && o.apps[app].routes.length > 0) {
// noinspection JSUnfilteredForInLoop
for (let i = 0; i < o.apps[app].routes.length; i++) {
// noinspection JSUnfilteredForInLoop
const route = o.apps[app].routes[i];
if (!route.controller.shutdown || !(route.controller.shutdown instanceof Function)) {
// noinspection JSUnfilteredForInLoop
'AppEngine > Attempting to shutdown controller (' + route.pattern + ') for the app ' +
o.apps[app].cfg.name + ' but no shutdown interface exists.', {module: mod.name},
counter ++;
} else {
// noinspection JSUnfilteredForInLoop
'AppEngine > Attempting to shutdown controller (' + route.pattern + ') for app ' +
o.apps[app].cfg.name + ', waiting for controller response...',
route.controller.shutdown(function AppEngineUnloadShutdownCb() {
// noinspection JSUnfilteredForInLoop
'AppEngine > Controller ' + route.pattern + ' for app ' + o.apps[app].cfg.name +
' shutdown successful.', {module: mod.name}, 'APPENGINE_SHUTDOWN_CTRL_SUCCESS');
counter ++;
const timeout = 5000; let timeoutTimer = 0;
const interval = setInterval(function AppEngineUnloadCloseCtrlTimeout() {
if (counter >= ctrlCount) {
'AppEngine > Controllers all shutdown where possible.',
if (timeoutTimer > timeout) {
'AppEngine > Controller shutdown timed out.',
timeoutTimer += 500;
}, 500);
closeControllers(function AppEngineUnloadCloseCtrlCb() {
core.emit('module-shut-down', 'AppEngine');
o.log('debug', 'AppEngine > [1] Attached \'unload\' Method To This Module',
{module: mod.name}, 'APPENGINE_UNLOAD_BOUND');
}, source);
* (Internal > Stream Methods [2]) Bind Search Method
* @private
* @memberof Server.Modules.AppEngine
* @function pipelines.init.bindSearchMethod
* @ignore
* @param {observable} source - The Source Observable
* @return {observable} destination - The Destination Observable
* @description
* Tbc...
* @example
* Tbc...
pipelines.init.bindSearchMethod = function AppEngineIPLBindSearch(source) {
// noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction
return core.lib.rxOperator(function AppEngineIPLBindSearchOp(observer, evt) {
* (External) Searches for a Controller
* @public
* @memberof Server.Modules.AppEngine
* @function search
* @param {object} searchObj - Search Definition Object
* @param {function} cb - Callback Function
* @description
* Tbc...
* @example
* {
* apps: ["app1", "app2"],
* hostname: "localhost",
* url: "/web/users/1"
* }
mod.search = function AppEngineIPLBindSearchSearch(searchObj, cb) {
pipelines.search({'searchObj': searchObj}, function(evt) {
o.log('debug', 'AppEngine > [2] Attached \'search\' Method To This Module',
{module: mod.name}, 'APPENGINE_SEARCH_BOUND');
}, source);
* (Internal > Stream Methods [3]) Bind App Endpoint
* @private
* @memberof Server.Modules.AppEngine
* @function pipelines.init.bindAppEndpoint
* @ignore
* @param {observable} source - The Source Observable
* @return {observable} destination - The Destination Observable
* @description
* Tbc...
* @example
* Tbc...
pipelines.init.bindAppEndpoint = function AppEngineIPLBindAppEP(source) {
// noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction
return core.lib.rxOperator(function AppEngineIPLBindAppEPOp(observer, evt) {
// noinspection JSValidateTypes
* (Internal) Middleware Router
* @private
* @memberof Server.Modules.AppEngine
* @function MiddlewareRouter
* @ignore
* @param {object} req - Request Object
* @param {object} res - Response Object
* @description
* Tbc...
* @example
* Tbc...
evt.MiddlewareRouter = new core.Base().extend({
constructor: function AppEngineIPLMiddlewareRouter() {
const self = this;
self.myRouter = function(req, res, handler) {
let stackCounter = 0;
const innerRouter = function AppEngineIPLMiddlewareInnerRouter(req, res, handler) {
if (self.myRouter.stack[stackCounter]) {
self.myRouter.stack[stackCounter](req, res, function() {
if (self.myRouter.stack[stackCounter]) {
innerRouter(req, res, handler);
} else {
handler(req, res);
stackCounter = 0;
} else {
handler(req, res);
stackCounter = 0;
return innerRouter(req, res, handler);
self.myRouter.stack = [];
self.myRouter.use = function AppEngineIPLMiddlewareRouterUse(fn) {
self.myRouter.stack.push(fn); return true;
self.myRouter.count = function AppEngineIPLMiddlewareRouterCount() {
return self.myRouter.stack.length;
// noinspection JSUnfilteredForInLoop
* (External) Access App Instance
* @public
* @class Server.Modules.AppEngine.app
* @memberof Server.Modules.AppEngine
* @param {string} name - App Name
* @return {Server.Modules.AppEngine.app | Object} appObj - App Instance
* @description
* Tbc...
* @example
* Tbc...
mod.app = function AppEngineGetApp(name) {
if (!name) return {};
const generateAppObject = function AppEngineGenerateAppObject() {
if (!o.apps[name]) return;
const app = function() {};
* (External) Get App Config
* @public
* @memberof Server.Modules.AppEngine.app
* @name cfg
* @function
* @return {object} config - Config Object
* @description
* Tbc...
* @example
* Tbc...
app.cfg = function AppEngineAppCfg() {
return o.apps[name].cfg;
* (External) App Models Object
* @public
* @class Server.Modules.AppEngine.app.models
* @memberof Server.Modules.AppEngine.app
* @name models
* @description
* Tbc...
* @example
* Tbc...
app.models = function() {};
* (External) Get App Model
* @public
* @memberof Server.Modules.AppEngine.app.models
* @name get
* @function
* @param {object} modelName - Model
* @return {object} modelObject - App Model
* @description
* Tbc...
* @example
* Tbc...
app.models.get = function AppEngineAppGetModel(modelName) {
return o.apps[name].models[modelName];
* (External) Add App Model
* @public
* @memberof Server.Modules.AppEngine.app.models
* @name add
* @function
* @param {object} modelName - Model
* @param {object} modelObject - App Model
* @return {boolean} result - Result (True | False)
* @description
* Tbc...
* @example
* Tbc...
app.models.add = function AppEngineAppAddModel(modelName, modelObject) {
if (!name || !modelName || !modelObject) return false;
if (!o.apps[name].models) o.apps[name].models = {};
o.apps[name].models[modelName] = modelObject;
return true;
* (External) App URL Object
* @public
* @class Server.Modules.AppEngine.app.url
* @memberof Server.Modules.AppEngine.app
* @name url
* @description
* Tbc...
* @example
* Tbc...
app.url = {};
* (External) Get App URL
* @public
* @memberof Server.Modules.AppEngine.app.url
* @name get
* @function
* @param {string} path - Path
* @param {object} options - App Model
* @return {string} url - URL to App
* @description
* Tbc...
* @example
* Tbc...
app.url.get = function AppEngineAppGetUrl(path, options) {
let protocol; let port; let basePath; let portString;
if (options && options.protocol)protocol = options.protocol.toLowerCase();
if (options && options.port) port = options.port;
const host = o.apps[name].cfg.host;
if (o.apps[name].cfg.basePath) basePath = o.apps[name].cfg.basePath;
else if (core.cfg().core && core.cfg().core.basePath) basePath = core.cfg().core.basePath;
else basePath = '';
// noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable
if (options && options.full === true) {
if (!protocol) protocol = 'http';
if (protocol === 'http' && port && port !== 80 && port !== 0) portString = ':' + port;
else if (protocol === 'https' && port && port !== 443 && port !== 0) portString = ':' + port;
else portString = '';
return protocol + '://' + host + portString + basePath + path;
} else {
return basePath + path;
* (External) App Variables Object
* @public
* @class Server.Modules.AppEngine.app.vars
* @memberof Server.Modules.AppEngine.app
* @name vars
* @description
* Tbc...
* @example
* Tbc...
app.vars = function() {};
* (External) Get App Variable
* @public
* @memberof Server.Modules.AppEngine.app.vars
* @name get
* @function
* @param {string} key - App Variable Key
* @return {*} value - App Variable Value
* @description
* Tbc...
* @example
* Tbc...
app.vars.get = function AppEngineAppGetVar(key) {
return o.apps[name].vars[key];
* (External) Set App Variable
* @public
* @memberof Server.Modules.AppEngine.app.vars
* @name set
* @function
* @param {string} key - App Variable Key
* @param {object} value - App Variable Value
* @return {boolean} result - Result of Value Update
* @description
* Tbc...
* @example
* Tbc...
app.vars.set = function AppEngineAppSetVar(key, value) {
o.apps[name].vars[key] = value;
return true;
* (Undocumented) App Middleware
* @private
* @memberof Server.Modules.AppEngine.app
* @name middleware
* @ignore
* @description
* Tbc...
* @example
* Tbc...
const middleware = app.middleware = o.apps[name].middleware;
* (External) Use Middleware
* @public
* @memberof Server.Modules.AppEngine.app
* @name use
* @function
* @param {function} middleware - Middleware Function
* @description
* Tbc...
* @example
* Tbc...
app.use = middleware.use;
if (o.apps[name].obj) {
* (External) App Routes Object
* @public
* @memberof Server.Modules.AppEngine.app
* @name routes
* @function
* @description
* Tbc...
* @example
* Tbc...
app.routes = function() {};
for (const objName in o.apps[name].obj) {
// noinspection JSUnfilteredForInLoop
if (!app.routes[objName] && objName) {
// noinspection JSUnfilteredForInLoop
app.routes[objName] = o.apps[name].obj[objName];
// noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable
if (o.config['app-engine'].runtime.controllers.allowLoad === true) {
* (External) Load App Controller
* @public
* @memberof Server.Modules.AppEngine.app
* @name loadController
* @function
* @param {string} path - Path to App Controller to Load
* @param {object} ctrl - App Controller to Load
* @return {boolean} result - Result of Loading Controller (True | False)
* @description
* Tbc...
* @example
* Tbc...
app.loadController = function AppEngineAppLoadCtrl(path, ctrl) {
if (!path || !(typeof path === 'string' || path instanceof String)) return false;
if ((typeof ctrl !== 'object' && ctrl === null) || !ctrl) return false;
if (!o.apps[name]) return false;
o.apps[name].map[path] = o.apps[name].routes.push({
path: '',
pattern: path,
controller: ctrl,
app: name,
}) - 1;
return true;
// noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable
if (o.config['app-engine'].runtime.controllers.allowUnload === true) {
* (External) Unload App Controller
* @public
* @memberof Server.Modules.AppEngine.app
* @name unloadController
* @function
* @param {string} path - Path to App Controller to Load
* @return {boolean} result - Result of Unloading Controller (True | False)
* @description
* Tbc...
* @example
* Tbc...
app.unloadController = function AppEngineAppUnloadCtrl(path) {
if (o.apps[name].routes[o.apps[name].map[path]]) {
delete o.apps[name].routes[o.apps[name].map[path]];
delete o.apps[name].map[path];
return true;
} else return false;
return app;
return generateAppObject();
'AppEngine > [3] Setup & Attached \'app\' Method To This Module (incl. Setting Up Middleware)',
{module: mod.name}, 'APPENGINE_APP_BOUND');
}, source);
* (Internal > Stream Methods [4]) Bind Support Methods
* @private
* @memberof Server.Modules.AppEngine
* @function pipelines.init.bindSupportMethods
* @ignore
* @param {observable} source - The Source Observable
* @return {observable} destination - The Destination Observable
* @description
* Tbc...
* @example
* Tbc...
pipelines.init.bindSupportMethods = function AppEngineIPLBindSupportFns(source) {
// noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction
return core.lib.rxOperator(function AppEngineIPLBindSupportFnsOp(observer, evt) {
o.log('debug', 'AppEngine > [4] Binding Support Methods',
{module: mod.name}, 'APPENGINE_SUPPORT_FNS_BOUND');
* (External) Gets An App Object (By Name)
* @public
* @memberof Server.Modules.AppEngine
* @name appStats
* @function
* @param {string} name - App Name
* @return {object} appStatsObj - App Stats Object
* @description
* Tbc...
* @example
* Tbc...
mod.appStats = function AppEngineAppStats(name) {
const stats = {};
stats.appsRouteCount = 0;
if (!name) {
stats.appsCount = Object.keys(o.apps).length;
if (core.module('utilities')) {
stats.appsMemoryUse = core.module('utilities').system.getObjectMemoryUsage(o.apps);
} else {
if (o.apps[name]) {
stats.appsCount = 1;
if (core.module('utilities')) {
stats.appsMemoryUse = core.module('utilities').system.getObjectMemoryUsage(o.apps[name]);
} else {
stats.appsCount = 0;
stats.appsMemoryUse = 0;
stats.apps = {};
// noinspection JSUnfilteredForInLoop
for (const app in o.apps) {
if ((name && app === name) || !name) {
// noinspection JSUnfilteredForInLoop
stats.apps[app] = {};
if (core.module('utilities')) {
// noinspection JSUnfilteredForInLoop
stats.apps[app].appMemoryUse =
// noinspection JSUnfilteredForInLoop
if (o.apps[app].routes) {
// noinspection JSUnfilteredForInLoop
stats.apps[app].appRouteCount = o.apps[app].routes.length;
// noinspection JSUnfilteredForInLoop
stats.appsRouteCount += o.apps[app].routes.length;
return stats;
* (External) Returns a List of Loaded App Names
* @public
* @memberof Server.Modules.AppEngine
* @name list
* @function
* @return {array} apps - List of App Names
* @description
* Tbc...
* @example
* Tbc...
mod.list = function AppEngineIPLAppList() {
return Object.keys(o.apps);
// noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable
if (o.config['app-engine'].runtime.apps.allowUnload === true) {
* (External) Unload App
* @public
* @memberof Server.Modules.AppEngine
* @name unloadApp
* @function
* @param {string} name - App Name to Unload
* @return {boolean} result - Result of Unload
* @description
* Tbc...
* @example
* Tbc...
mod.unloadApp = function AppEngineIPLUnloadApp(name) {
if (o.apps[name]) {
delete o.apps[name];
return true;
} else return false;
// noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable
if (o.config['app-engine'].runtime.apps.allowLoad === true) {
* (External) Reload App
* @public
* @memberof Server.Modules.AppEngine
* @name reloadApp
* @function
* @param {string} name - App Name to Reload
* @return {boolean} result - Result of Reload
* @description
* Tbc...
* @example
* Tbc...
mod.reloadApp = function AppEngineReloadApp(name) {
if (o.apps[name]) {
delete o.apps[name];
// noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction
return true;
} else return false;
}, source);
* (Internal > Stream Methods [5]) Load Apps
* @private
* @memberof Server.Modules.AppEngine
* @function pipelines.init.loadApps
* @ignore
* @param {observable} source - The Source Observable
* @return {observable} destination - The Destination Observable
* @description
* Tbc...
* @example
* Tbc...
pipelines.init.loadApps = function AppEngineIPLLoadApps(source) {
// noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction
return core.lib.rxOperator(function AppEngineIPLLoadAppsOp(observer, evt) {
o.log('startup', 'AppEngine > [5] Enumerating and loading apps...',
* (External > Load App Method
* @public
* @memberof Server.Modules.AppEngine
* @function load
* @param {string} appName - The Name of the App to Load
* @param {object} [appCfg] - The App Configuration Object
* @param {string} [group] - The Relative Path Of The Filesystem Group The App Is In
* @return {Promise} Promise - Promise That Must Be Listened To (Then + Catch)
* @todo Allow loadApp() method to load apps from remote URLs and from specific paths
* @description
* Tbc...
* @example
* Tbc...
const loadApp = function AppEngineIPLLoadApp(appName, appCfg, group) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
let appExistsInFilesystem = false; let appIsRemote = false; let appGroupName;
if (group && require('fs').existsSync(core.fetchBasePath('apps') + '/' +
group + '/' + appName + '/app.json') === true) {
appExistsInFilesystem = true;
appGroupName = group;
} else if (!group && require('fs').existsSync(core.fetchBasePath('apps') +
'/' + appName + '/app.json') === true) {
appExistsInFilesystem = true;
} else if (appName.includes('.')) appIsRemote = true;
if (!appExistsInFilesystem && !appIsRemote && !appCfg) {
'AppEngine > [5a] Failed to load app (' + appName + ') - Invalid App',
{module: mod.name, app: appName}, 'APPENGINE_INVALID_APP');
// eslint-disable-next-line prefer-promise-reject-errors
reject('Invalid App (' + appName + ')');
return false;
const setupApp = function AppEngineIPLSetupApp(appName, appFilesystem, appRemote, appConfig, appGroup) {
if (appConfig.active) {
'AppEngine > [5a] Loading ' + appName + ' app...',
{module: mod.name, app: appName}, 'APPENGINE_LOADING_APP');
o.apps[appName] = new mod.app();
o.apps[appName].cfg = appConfig;
o.apps[appName].routes = [];
o.apps[appName].map = {};
o.apps[appName].orphans = {};
o.apps[appName].vars = {};
const middlewareRouter = new evt.MiddlewareRouter();
// noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable
o.apps[appName].middleware = middlewareRouter.myRouter;
if (appRemote) o.apps[appName].remote = true;
if (appFilesystem || appRemote) {
const event = {app: appName};
if (appGroup) event.appGroup = appGroup;
if (appRemote) event.remotePaths = appRemote.paths;
if (appFilesystem) event.filesystemApp = true;
process.nextTick(function AppEngineIPLLoadAppsNextTickCb() {
} else {
// eslint-disable-next-line prefer-promise-reject-errors
reject({'message': 'App Inactive'});
if (!appCfg && appExistsInFilesystem && appGroupName) {
appCfg = require(core.fetchBasePath('apps') + '/' +
appGroupName + '/' + appName + '/app.json');
appCfg.appPath = core.fetchBasePath('apps') + '/' + appGroupName + '/' + appName;
setupApp(appName, true, false, appCfg, appGroupName);
} else if (!appCfg && appExistsInFilesystem && !appGroupName) {
appCfg = require(core.fetchBasePath('apps') + '/' + appName + '/app.json');
appCfg.appPath = core.fetchBasePath('apps') + '/' + appName;
setupApp(appName, true, false, appCfg);
} else if (!appCfg && !appExistsInFilesystem && appIsRemote) {
core.module('http', 'interface').client.get(appName + '/app.json', function(err, res) {
if (err) {
// eslint-disable-next-line prefer-promise-reject-errors
reject({'message': 'Remote App Invalid', 'err': err});
appCfg = {
'name': res.data.info.title,
'host': res.data.host,
'basePath': res.data.basePath,
'active': true,
'exposeDefinition': false,
setupApp(appName, false, res.data, appCfg);
} else {
setupApp(appName, false, false, appCfg);
// noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable
if (o.config['app-engine'].runtime.apps.allowLoad === true) {
mod.load = loadApp;
const loadAppsFromFilesystem = function AppEngineIPLLoadFromFS(appBasePath, appGroup) {
if (require('fs').existsSync(appBasePath) && require('fs').lstatSync(appBasePath).isDirectory()) {
function AppEngineIPLLoadAppReadDirCb(file) {
if (require('fs').existsSync(appBasePath + '/' + file + '/app.json') === true) {
loadApp(file, null, appGroup).then(function(app) {
}).catch(function() {});
} else if (file !== '.DS_Store') {
let newFile;
if (appGroup) newFile = appGroup + '/' + file;
else newFile = file;
loadAppsFromFilesystem(appBasePath + '/' + file, newFile);
}, source);
* (Internal > Stream Methods [6]) Fetch Controller Names
* @private
* @memberof Server.Modules.AppEngine
* @function pipelines.init.fetchControllerNames
* @ignore
* @param {observable} source - The Source Observable
* @return {observable} destination - The Destination Observable
* @description
* Tbc...
* @example
* Tbc...
pipelines.init.fetchControllerNames = function AppEngineIPLFetchCtrlNames(source) {
// noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction
return core.lib.rxOperator(function AppEngineIPLFetchCtrlNamesOp(observer, evt) {
'AppEngine > [6] Building routes for ' + evt.app + ' app.',
{module: mod.name}, 'APPENGINE_BUILDING_ROUTES');
if (o.apps[evt.app].routes[0]) {
'AppEngine > [6a] App Routes for ' + evt.app + ' Have Already Been Built',
{module: mod.name}, 'APPENGINE_ROUTES_ALREADY_BUILT');
// noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable
if (((o.apps[evt.app].cfg.routing && o.apps[evt.app].cfg.routing === 'auto') ||
!o.apps[evt.app].cfg.routing) && evt.filesystemApp) {
let pathToWalk;
if (evt.appGroup) {
pathToWalk = core.fetchBasePath('apps') + '/' + evt.appGroup + '/' + evt.app + '/controllers';
} else {
pathToWalk = core.fetchBasePath('apps') + '/' + evt.app + '/controllers';
require('./_support/filewalker.js')(pathToWalk, function AppEngineIPLFetchCtrlNamesFilewalkerCb(err, data) {
evt.fileWalkerErr = err;
evt.data = data;
if (evt.remotePaths) observer.next(evt);
}, source);
* (Internal > Stream Methods [7]) Pre-Process Controllers
* @private
* @memberof Server.Modules.AppEngine
* @function pipelines.init.preProcessControllers
* @ignore
* @param {observable} source - The Source Observable
* @return {observable} destination - The Destination Observable
* @description
* Tbc...
* @example
* Tbc...
pipelines.init.preProcessControllers = function AppEngineIPLPreProcessCtrl(source) {
// noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction
return core.lib.rxOperator(function AppEngineIPLPreProcessCtrlOp(observer, evt) {
'AppEngine > [7] Controllers Are Being Pre-Processed (' + evt.app + ')',
{module: mod.name}, 'APPENGINE_CTRLS_PREPROCESSED');
if (evt.fileWalkerErr) throw evt.fileWalkerErr;
evt.dataPreProcess = evt.data;
if (!evt.data && !evt.remotePaths) {
return {success: false, message: 'No controllers exist for the ' + evt.app + ' app.'};
if (evt.data) {
evt.data = []; evt.basePath = [];
for (let i = 0; i < evt.dataPreProcess.length; i++) {
if (!evt.dataPreProcess[i].endsWith('.DS_Store')) evt.data.push(evt.dataPreProcess[i]);
if (evt.dataPreProcess[i].endsWith('controller.js')) {
evt.basePath.push(evt.dataPreProcess[i].substring(0, evt.dataPreProcess[i].length - 14));
evt.basePath.sort(function AppEngineIPLPreProcessCtrlSortHandler(a, b) {
return a.length - b.length || a.localeCompare(b);
evt.controllerBasePath = evt.basePath[0];
}, source);
* (Internal > Stream Methods [8]) Remove Invalid Controllers
* @private
* @memberof Server.Modules.AppEngine
* @function pipelines.init.removeInvalidControllers
* @ignore
* @param {observable} source - The Source Observable
* @return {observable} destination - The Destination Observable
* @description
* Tbc...
* @example
* Tbc...
pipelines.init.removeInvalidControllers = function AppEngineIPLRemoveInvalidCtrl(source) {
// noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction
return core.lib.rxOperator(function AppEngineIPLRemoveInvalidCtrlOp(observer, evt) {
if (evt.data) {
for (let i = 0; i < evt.data.length; i++) {
evt.data[i] = evt.data[i].replace(evt.controllerBasePath, '');
if (evt.data[i].endsWith('controller.js') && evt.data[i] !== '/controller.js') {
delete evt.data[i];
} else if (evt.data[i].endsWith('controller.js') && evt.data[i] === '/controller.js') {
evt.data[i] = '/';
'AppEngine > [8] Invalid Controllers Have Been Removed (' + evt.app + ')',
}, source);
* (Internal > Stream Methods [9]) Set Base Path Controller
* @private
* @memberof Server.Modules.AppEngine
* @function pipelines.init.setBasePathCtrl
* @ignore
* @param {observable} source - The Source Observable
* @return {observable} destination - The Destination Observable
* @description
* Tbc...
* @example
* Tbc...
pipelines.init.setBasePathCtrl = function AppEngineIPLSetBasePathCtrl(source) {
// noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction
return core.lib.rxOperator(function AppEngineIPLSetBasePathCtrlOp(observer, evt) {
if (o.apps[evt.app].cfg.basePath) {
const pathBits = o.apps[evt.app].cfg.basePath.split('/');
const pathBitsCount = pathBits.length;
for (let i = 0; i < pathBitsCount - 1; i++) {
let urlsPiece;
if (i === 0 && pathBits[i] === '') urlsPiece = '/' + pathBits[0];
else urlsPiece = '';
for (let j = 1; j <= i; j++) {
urlsPiece += '/' + pathBits[j];
const ctrl = {
'get': function AppEngineIPLBasePathCtrlGet(req, res) {
o.apps[evt.app].map[urlsPiece] = o.apps[evt.app].routes.push({
path: '',
pattern: urlsPiece,
controller: ctrl,
metadata: {
'get': {
'openapi': {
'summary': 'Root Redirect',
'description': 'Root Redirect for Base Path Controller',
'responses': {
'302': {},
app: evt.app,
}) - 1;
'AppEngine > [9] Have Set Base Path Controller & App Routes',
{module: mod.name}, 'APPENGINE_BASE_PATH_CTRL_SET');
}, source);
* (Internal > Stream Methods [9.5]) Wait Then Expose App Definition
* @private
* @memberof Server.Modules.AppEngine
* @function pipelines.init.waitThenExposeAppDef
* @ignore
* @param {observable} source - The Source Observable
* @return {observable} destination - The Destination Observable
* @description
* Tbc...
* @example
* Tbc...
pipelines.init.waitThenExposeAppDef = function AppEngineIPLWaitThenExposeAppDef(source) {
// noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction
return core.lib.rxOperator(function AppEngineIPLWaitThenExposeAppDefOp(observer, evt) {
'AppEngine > [9.5] Waiting for Routes To Be Built Then Exposing App Definition Endpoint',
{module: mod.name}, 'APPENGINE_WAIT_EXPOSE_DEF');
o.apps[evt.app].loadedCtrlCount = 0;
o.apps[evt.app].totalCtrlCount = 0;
if (evt.data) {
for (let i = 0; i < evt.data.length; i++) {
if (evt.data[i]) o.apps[evt.app].totalCtrlCount ++;
if (evt.remotePaths) {
for (let i = 0; i < evt.remotePaths.length; i++) {
if (evt.remotePaths[i]) o.apps[evt.app].totalCtrlCount ++;
let timer = 0; const timeout = 5000;
const interval = setInterval(function AppEngineIPLWaitThenExposeIntervalCb() {
if (o.apps[evt.app].loadedCtrlCount >= o.apps[evt.app].totalCtrlCount) {
const ctrl = {
'get': function AppEngineIPLAppDefCtrlGet(req, res) {
if (o.apps[evt.app].cfg.exposeDefinition === true) {
// noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable
const json = {
'swagger': '2.0',
'info': {
'title': o.apps[evt.app].cfg.name,
'description': o.apps[evt.app].cfg.description,
'version': o.apps[evt.app].cfg.version,
'app': o.apps[evt.app].cfg.termsUrl,
'contact': {},
'license': {},
'host': o.apps[evt.app].cfg.host,
'basePath': o.apps[evt.app].cfg.basePath,
'schemes': [
'paths': {},
if (o.apps[evt.app].cfg.license) {
json.info.license.name = o.apps[evt.app].cfg.license.name;
json.info.license.url = o.apps[evt.app].cfg.license.url;
// noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable
if (o.apps[evt.app].cfg.author) {
// noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable
json.info.contact.email = o.apps[evt.app].cfg.author.email;
// noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable
if (core.cfg().interfaces.http.http.port !== 80) {
// noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable
json.host += ':' + core.cfg().interfaces.http.http.port;
const routes = o.apps[evt.app].routes;
for (let i = 0; i < routes.length; i++) {
json.paths[routes[i].pattern] = {};
if (routes[i].controller.get && (!routes[i].metadata ||
!routes[i].metadata.get || !routes[i].metadata.get.openapi)) {
json.paths[routes[i].pattern].get = {
'summary': 'Gets list or details of an object',
'description': '',
'responses': {
'200': {},
} else if (routes[i].controller.get && routes[i].metadata &&
routes[i].metadata.get && routes[i].metadata.get.openapi) {
// noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable
if (!routes[i].metadata.get.general || !routes[i].metadata.get.general.hide ||
routes[i].metadata.get.general.hide !== true) {
json.paths[routes[i].pattern].get = routes[i].metadata.get.openapi;
if (routes[i].controller.post && (!routes[i].metadata ||
!routes[i].metadata.post || !routes[i].metadata.post.openapi)) {
json.paths[routes[i].pattern].post = {
'summary': 'Creates a new object',
'description': '',
'responses': {
'200': {},
} else if (routes[i].controller.post && routes[i].metadata &&
routes[i].metadata.post && routes[i].metadata.post.openapi) {
// noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable
if (!routes[i].metadata.post.general || !routes[i].metadata.post.general.hide ||
routes[i].metadata.post.general.hide !== true) {
json.paths[routes[i].pattern].post = routes[i].metadata.post.openapi;
if (routes[i].controller.put && (!routes[i].metadata ||
!routes[i].metadata.put || !routes[i].metadata.put.openapi)) {
json.paths[routes[i].pattern].put = {
'summary': 'Updates an object',
'description': '',
'responses': {
'200': {},
} else if (routes[i].controller.put && routes[i].metadata &&
routes[i].metadata.put && routes[i].metadata.put.openapi) {
// noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable
if (!routes[i].metadata.put.general || !routes[i].metadata.put.general.hide ||
routes[i].metadata.put.general.hide !== true) {
json.paths[routes[i].pattern].put = routes[i].metadata.put.openapi;
if (routes[i].controller.delete && (!routes[i].metadata ||
!routes[i].metadata.delete || !routes[i].metadata.delete.openapi)) {
json.paths[routes[i].pattern].delete = {
'summary': 'Deletes an object',
'description': '',
'responses': {
'200': {},
} else if (routes[i].controller.delete && routes[i].metadata &&
routes[i].metadata.delete && routes[i].metadata.delete.openapi) {
// noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable
if (!routes[i].metadata.delete.general || !routes[i].metadata.delete.general.hide ||
routes[i].metadata.delete.general.hide !== true) {
json.paths[routes[i].pattern].delete = routes[i].metadata.delete.openapi;
if (Object.keys(json.paths[routes[i].pattern]).length === 0) {
delete json.paths[routes[i].pattern];
} else {
const pattern = '/app.json';
o.apps[evt.app].map[pattern] = o.apps[evt.app].routes.push({
path: '',
pattern: pattern,
controller: ctrl,
metadata: {
'get': {
'openapi': {
'summary': 'App Definition Endpoint',
'description': 'App Definition Endpoint (Swagger/OpenAPI Compliant)',
'produces': ['application/json'],
'tags': ['API'],
'responses': {
'200': {},
app: evt.app,
}) - 1;
if (timer >= timeout) clearInterval(interval);
timer += 10;
}, 10);
}, source);
* (Internal > Stream Methods [10]) Generate Controller Events
* @private
* @memberof Server.Modules.AppEngine
* @function pipelines.init.generateControllerEvents
* @ignore
* @param {observable} source - The Source Observable
* @return {observable} destination - The Destination Observable
* @description
* Tbc...
* @example
* Tbc...
pipelines.init.generateControllerEvents = function AppEngineIPLGenerateCtrlEvts(source) {
// noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction
return core.lib.rxOperator(function AppEngineIPLGenerateCtrlEvtsOp(observer, evt) {
o.log('debug', 'AppEngine > [10] Controller Events Being Generated',
{module: mod.name}, 'APPENGINE_CTRL_EVTS_GEN');
if (evt.data) {
for (let i = 0; i < evt.data.length; i++) {
if (evt.data[i]) {
o.apps[evt.app].loadedCtrlCount ++;
evt.path = evt.controllerBasePath + evt.data[i] + '/controller.js';
evt.path = evt.path.replace('//', '/');
evt.i = i;
} else if (evt.remotePaths) {
for (let i = 0; i < evt.remotePaths.length; i++) {
evt.i = i;
}, source);
* (Internal > Stream Methods [11]) Load Controller Files in to Memory
* @private
* @memberof Server.Modules.AppEngine
* @function pipelines.init.loadControllerFiles
* @ignore
* @param {observable} source - The Source Observable
* @return {observable} destination - The Destination Observable
* @description
* Tbc...
* @example
* Tbc...
pipelines.init.loadControllerFiles = function AppEngineIPLLoadCtrlFiles(source) {
// noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction
return core.lib.rxOperator(function AppEngineIPLLoadCtrlFilesOp(observer, evt) {
let type; let typeString;
if (o.config['app-engine'].sandbox.default === true) {
type = 'sandbox';
typeString = 'Via Sandbox';
} else {
type = 'require';
typeString = 'Direct';
if (!o.loadMessages['1-10']) {
o.loadMessages['1-10'] = true;
'AppEngine > [11] Loading Controller Files In To Memory (' + typeString + ')',
{module: mod.name}, 'APPENGINE_CTRL_FILES_LOADING');
const fs = require('fs');
if (evt.path && fs.existsSync(evt.path)) {
const prepareCoreProxy = function AppEngineIPLPrepCoreProxy(event) {
const app = event.app;
if (event.controller.init && typeof event.controller.init === 'function') {
if (event.controller.init.length >= 1) {
let coreProxy;
/* if (o.util.prop(o.config, 'app-engine.allow')) */ coreProxy = core.getCoreProxy(o.config['app-engine'].allow, app);
/* else coreProxy = {}; */
} else event.controller.init();
} else observer.next(event);
if (type === 'sandbox') {
const event = evt;
core.module('sandbox').execute({'file': evt.path, 'i': evt.i, 'app': evt.app},
function AppEngineIPLSandboxExecCb(obj) {
event.controller = obj.ctrl;
event.path = obj.file;
event.i = obj.i;
event.app = obj.app;
} else {
evt.controller = require(evt.path);
const metaDataPath = evt.path.slice(0, -13) + 'metadata.json';
if (fs.existsSync(metaDataPath)) {
try {
evt.metadata = require(metaDataPath);
} catch (err) {
evt.metadata = null;
} else evt.metadata = null;
} else {
evt.controller = {};
}, source);
* (Internal > Stream Methods [12]) Set Base Path & Pattern
* @private
* @memberof Server.Modules.AppEngine
* @function pipelines.init.setBasePathAndPattern
* @ignore
* @param {observable} source - The Source Observable
* @return {observable} destination - The Destination Observable
* @description
* Tbc...
* @example
* Tbc...
pipelines.init.setBasePathAndPattern = function AppEngineIPLSetBasePathAndPattern(source) {
// noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction
return core.lib.rxOperator(function AppEngineIPLSetBasePathAndPatternOp(observer, evt) {
if (!o.loadMessages['1-11']) {
o.loadMessages['1-11'] = true;
'AppEngine > [12] Base Path & Pattern Being Set Now',
{module: mod.name}, 'APPENGINE_BASE_PATH_PATTERN_SET');
if (!o.apps[evt.app].cfg.basePath && core.cfg().core && core.cfg().core.basePath) {
o.apps[evt.app].cfg.basePath = core.cfg().core.basePath;
if (o.apps[evt.app].cfg.basePath) evt.pattern = '' + o.apps[evt.app].cfg.basePath + evt.data[evt.i];
else evt.pattern = '' + evt.data[evt.i];
}, source);
* (Internal > Stream Methods [13]) Check If Wildcard Path
* @private
* @memberof Server.Modules.AppEngine
* @function pipelines.init.checkIfWildcardPath
* @ignore
* @param {observable} source - The Source Observable
* @return {observable} destination - The Destination Observable
* @description
* Tbc...
* @example
* Tbc...
pipelines.init.checkIfWildcardPath = function AppEngineIPLCheckIfWildcardPath(source) {
// noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction
return core.lib.rxOperator(function AppEngineIPLCheckIfWildcardPathOp(observer, evt) {
if (evt.pattern.endsWith('{*}')) {
const parentPattern = evt.pattern.slice(0, -3);
if (!o.apps[evt.app].map[parentPattern] &&
!o.apps[evt.app].routes[o.apps[evt.app].map[parentPattern]]) {
o.apps[evt.app].orphans[parentPattern] = true;
if (!o.apps[evt.app].routes[o.apps[evt.app].map[parentPattern]]) {
o.apps[evt.app].routes[o.apps[evt.app].map[parentPattern]] = {};
if (o.apps[evt.app].routes[o.apps[evt.app].map[parentPattern]]) {
o.apps[evt.app].routes[o.apps[evt.app].map[parentPattern]].wildcard = true; evt.pattern = null;
if (o.apps[evt.app].map[parentPattern]) {
o.apps[evt.app].routes[o.apps[evt.app].map[parentPattern]].wildcard = true; evt.pattern = null;
if (!o.loadMessages['1-12']) {
o.loadMessages['1-12'] = true;
o.log('debug', 'AppEngine > [13] Checked If Wildcard Path',
}, source);
* (Internal > Stream Methods [14]) Build Routes Object
* @private
* @memberof Server.Modules.AppEngine
* @function pipelines.init.buildRoutesObject
* @ignore
* @param {observable} source - The Source Observable
* @return {observable} destination - The Destination Observable
* @description
* Tbc...
* @example
* Tbc...
pipelines.init.buildRoutesObject = function AppEngineIPLBuildRoutesObj(source) {
// noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction
return core.lib.rxOperator(function AppEngineIPLBuildRoutesObjOp(observer, evt) {
if (evt.pattern) {
const routeObject = {
path: evt.path,
pattern: evt.pattern,
controller: evt.controller,
metadata: evt.metadata,
app: evt.app,
if (o.apps[evt.app].orphans[evt.pattern]) routeObject.wildcard = true;
o.apps[evt.app].map[evt.pattern] = o.apps[evt.app].routes.push(routeObject) - 1;
evt.routeObject = routeObject;
if (!o.loadMessages['1-13']) {
o.loadMessages['1-13'] = true;
o.log('debug', 'AppEngine > [14] Routes Added To Routes Object',
{module: mod.name}, 'APPENGINE_BUILT_ROUTES_OBJ');
}, source);
* (Internal > Stream Methods [15]) Find & Set Routers
* @private
* @memberof Server.Modules.AppEngine
* @function pipelines.init.findRouters
* @ignore
* @param {observable} source - The Source Observable
* @return {observable} destination - The Destination Observable
* @description
* Tbc...
* @example
* Tbc...
pipelines.init.findRouters = function AppEngineIPLFindRouters(source) {
// noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction
return core.lib.rxOperator(function AppEngineIPLFindRoutersOp(observer, evt) {
const routers = [];
for (const routerName in o.config.router.instances) {
// noinspection JSUnfilteredForInLoop
if (o.config.router.instances[routerName].interfaces &&
o.config.router.instances[routerName].interfaces.includes('*') &&
o.config.router.instances[routerName].apps &&
(o.config.router.instances[routerName].apps.includes('*') ||
o.config.router.instances[routerName].apps.includes(evt.app))) {
// noinspection JSUnfilteredForInLoop
if (routers[0]) evt.router = routers[0];
else evt.router = null;
if (!o.loadMessages['1-14']) {
o.loadMessages['1-14'] = true;
o.log('debug', 'AppEngine > [15] Finding & Setting Router',
{module: mod.name}, 'APPENGINE_FIND_ROUTERS');
}, source);
* (Internal > Stream Methods [16]) Set GetFn Method
* @private
* @memberof Server.Modules.AppEngine
* @function pipelines.init.setGetFn
* @ignore
* @param {observable} source - The Source Observable
* @return {observable} destination - The Destination Observable
* @description
* Tbc...
* @example
* Tbc...
* */
pipelines.init.setGetFn = function AppEngineIPLSetGetFn(source) {
// noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction
return core.lib.rxOperator(function AppEngineIPLSetGetFnOp(observer, evt) {
if (evt.pattern) {
evt.splitPattern = evt.routeObject.pattern.split('/');
if (!o.apps[evt.app].obj) o.apps[evt.app].obj = {'params': {}};
evt.appPointer = evt.origAppPointer = o.apps[evt.app].obj;
evt.getFn = function(par, cur, pat) {
return function(a, b, c) {
if (par.params) this[cur].params = par.params;
else this[cur].params = {};
let theTag;
this[cur].pattern = pat;
if (cur && cur.startsWith('{')) {
if (!a) a = '';
const param = cur.substring(1, cur.length - 1);
this[cur].params[param] = a;
this[cur].thisName = par.thisName;
this[cur].pattern += this.pattern;
} else this[cur].thisName = cur;
this[cur].parent = par;
for (const tag in par[cur]) {
// noinspection JSUnfilteredForInLoop
if (tag && tag.startsWith('{')) {
// noinspection JSUnfilteredForInLoop
theTag = tag.substring(1, tag.length - 1);
if (theTag && (typeof a === 'string' || typeof a === 'number') && !b && !c) {
return this[cur]['{' + theTag + '}'](a);
} else if (!theTag && (typeof a === 'string' || typeof a === 'number') && !b && !c) {
return this[cur];
} else if (!a && !b && !c) {
return this[cur];
} else {
let inputObj;
if (typeof a === 'object' && a !== null) inputObj = a;
else if (typeof b === 'object' && b !== null) inputObj = b;
let callbackFn;
if (typeof b === 'function') callbackFn = b;
else if (typeof c === 'function') callbackFn = c;
if (evt.router) {
this[cur].path = this[cur].pattern;
// eslint-disable-next-line guard-for-in
for (const param in this[cur].params) {
// noinspection JSUnfilteredForInLoop
this[cur].path = this[cur].path.replace('{' + param + '}', this[cur].params[param]);
this[cur].host = core.module('app-engine').app(evt.app).cfg().host;
const msgId = core.module('utilities').uuid4();
const theMessage = {
'type': 'apps', 'msgId': msgId, 'state': 'incoming', 'directional': 'request/response',
'request': {
'path': this[cur].path, 'host': this[cur].host, 'query': inputObj.query,
'headers': inputObj.headers, 'params': this[cur].params, 'internal': inputObj.internal,
'verb': inputObj.method, 'body': inputObj.body, 'cookies': inputObj.cookies,
const responseListener = function AppEngineIPLRouteReqResListener(msg) {
'AppEngine > Received Incoming Request From Router:',
{module: mod.name, message: msg}, 'APPENGINE_RECEIVED_REQ');
mod.removeListener('outgoing.' + msg.msgId, responseListener);
if (callbackFn) callbackFn(null, msg.response);
mod.on('outgoing.' + theMessage.msgId, responseListener);
if (!o.loadMessages['1-15']) {
o.loadMessages['1-15'] = true;
o.log('debug', 'AppEngine > [16] Setting GetFn Method',
{module: mod.name}, 'APPENGINE_SET_GET_FN');
}, source);
* (Internal > Stream Methods [17]) Build App Routes
* @private
* @memberof Server.Modules.AppEngine
* @function pipelines.init.buildAppRoutes
* @ignore
* @param {observable} source - The Source Observable
* @return {observable} destination - The Destination Observable
* @description
* Tbc...
* @example
* Tbc...
pipelines.init.buildAppRoutes = function AppEngineIPLBuildAppRoutes(source) {
// noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction
return core.lib.rxOperator(function AppEngineIPLBuildAppRoutesOp(observer, evt) {
if (evt.pattern) {
let pattern = '';
for (let i = 0; i < evt.splitPattern.length; i++) {
let current = evt.splitPattern[i];
if (i !== 0) {
pattern = pattern + '/' + current;
const parent = evt.appPointer;
if (evt.appPointer && current && !evt.appPointer[current]) {
if (!current) current = '';
evt.appPointer[current] = evt.getFn(parent, current, pattern);
if (evt.appPointer[current]) evt.appPointer = evt.appPointer[current];
o.apps[evt.app].loadedCtrlCount ++;
if (!o.loadMessages['1-16']) {
o.loadMessages['1-16'] = true;
o.log('debug', 'AppEngine > [17] Building app Routes',
{module: mod.name}, 'APPENGINE_BUILD_APP_ROUTES');
}, source);
* (Internal > Stream Methods [1]) Parse Search Object
* @private
* @memberof Server.Modules.AppEngine
* @function pipelines.search.parseSearchObject
* @ignore
* @param {observable} source - The Source Observable
* @return {observable} destination - The Destination Observable
* @description
* Tbc...
* @example
* Tbc...
pipelines.search.parseSearchObject = function AppEngineSPLParseSearchObj(source) {
// noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction
return core.lib.rxOperator(function AppEngineSPLParseSearchObjOp(observer, evt) {
if (!evt.searchObj) {
evt.searchComplete = true;
} else if (evt.searchObj.hostname && evt.searchObj.url && !evt.searchObj.apps) {
evt.hostname = evt.searchObj.hostname; evt.url = evt.searchObj.url;
} else if (evt.searchObj.hostname && evt.searchObj.url && evt.searchObj.apps) {
if (evt.searchObj.apps.includes('*')) {
evt.hostname = evt.searchObj.hostname; evt.url = evt.searchObj.url;
} else {
evt.hostname = evt.searchObj.hostname; evt.url = evt.searchObj.url; evt.apps = evt.searchObj.apps;
} else evt.searchComplete = true;
o.log('debug', 'AppEngine > [1] Search object has been parsed',
{module: mod.name}, 'APPENGINE_SEARCH_OBJ_PARSED');
}, source);
* (Internal > Stream Methods [2]) Setup Hosts
* @private
* @memberof Server.Modules.AppEngine
* @function pipelines.search.setupHosts
* @ignore
* @param {observable} source - The Source Observable
* @return {observable} destination - The Destination Observable
* @description
* Tbc...
* @example
* Tbc...
pipelines.search.setupHosts = function AppEngineSPLSetupHosts(source) {
// noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction
return core.lib.rxOperator(function AppEngineSPLSetupHostsOp(observer, evt) {
evt.results = []; evt.hosts = [];
for (const app in o.apps) {
// noinspection JSUnfilteredForInLoop
if (!o.apps[app].cfg.host && core.cfg().core && core.cfg().core.host) {
// noinspection JSUnfilteredForInLoop
o.apps[app].cfg.host = core.cfg().core.host;
// noinspection JSUnfilteredForInLoop
o.log('debug', 'AppEngine > [2] Hosts Have Been Setup',
{module: mod.name}, 'APPENGINE_HOSTS_SETUP');
}, source);
* (Internal > Stream Methods [3]) Generate App Events
* @private
* @memberof Server.Modules.AppEngine
* @function pipelines.search.generateAppEvents
* @ignore
* @param {observable} source - The Source Observable
* @return {observable} destination - The Destination Observable
* @description
* Tbc...
* @example
* Tbc...
pipelines.search.generateAppEvents = function AppEngineSPLGenAppEvts(source) {
// noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction
return core.lib.rxOperator(function AppEngineSPLGenAppEvtsOp(observer, evt) {
o.log('debug', 'AppEngine > [3] Generating App Events...',
{module: mod.name}, 'APPENGINE_GEN_APP_EVTS');
const hostname = evt.hostname; const url = evt.url;
const eApps = evt.apps; const hosts = evt.hosts; let evt2 = {};
// eslint-disable-next-line guard-for-in
for (const app in o.apps) {
evt2 = {hostname: hostname, url: url, apps: eApps, hosts: hosts};
// noinspection JSUnfilteredForInLoop
if (hostname === o.apps[app].cfg.host) {
evt2.app = app;
} else { // noinspection JSUnfilteredForInLoop
if (o.apps[app].cfg.host === '*' && !evt.hosts.includes(hostname)) {
evt2.app = app;
if (evt2.app) observer.next(evt2);
else observer.next(evt);
}, source);
* (Internal > Stream Methods [4]) Initialise The Search For This App
* @private
* @memberof Server.Modules.AppEngine
* @function pipelines.search.initSearchForApp
* @ignore
* @param {observable} source - The Source Observable
* @return {observable} destination - The Destination Observable
* @description
* Tbc...
* @example
* Tbc...
pipelines.search.initSearchForApp = function AppEngineSPLInitSearchForApp(source) {
// noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction
return core.lib.rxOperator(function AppEngineSPLInitSearchForAppOp(observer, evt) {
if (!o.apps[evt.app]) {
evt.urlParts = evt.url.split('/');
evt.param = {}; evt.currentRoute = null; evt.override = false; evt.routes = {};
evt.routes[o.apps[evt.app].cfg.host] = o.apps[evt.app].routes;
evt.directMatch = false; evt.wildcardSet = null;
if (evt.routes[evt.hostname]) evt.host = evt.hostname;
else if (evt.routes['*'] && !evt.routes[evt.hostname] && o.apps[evt.app].cfg.host === '*') {
evt.host = '*';
'AppEngine > [4] Search has been initialised for this app (' + evt.app + ')',
{module: mod.name}, 'APPENGINE_SEARCH_INIT');
}, source);
* (Internal > Stream Methods [5]) Iterate Over Routes
* @private
* @memberof Server.Modules.AppEngine
* @function pipelines.search.iterateOverRoutes
* @ignore
* @param {observable} source - The Source Observable
* @return {observable} destination - The Destination Observable
* @description
* Tbc...
* @example
* Tbc...
pipelines.search.iterateOverRoutes = function AppEngineSPLIterateOverRoutes(source) {
// noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction
return core.lib.rxOperator(function AppEngineSPLIterateOverRoutesOp(observer, evt) {
if (!evt) observer.next({});
o.log('debug', 'AppEngine > [5] Iterating Over App Routes',
if (!evt || !evt.routes || !evt.routes[evt.host]) observer.next(evt);
const processIteration = function AppEngineSPLIterateOverRoutesProcess(index) {
evt.match = true;
const patternSplit = evt.routes[evt.host][index].pattern.split('/');
if (evt.urlParts.length === patternSplit.length ||
(evt.url.startsWith(evt.routes[evt.host][index].pattern) && evt.routes[evt.host][index].wildcard)) {
if (evt.routes[evt.host][index].wildcard) evt.wildcardSet = {'host': evt.host, 'index': index};
if (evt.url === evt.routes[evt.host][index].pattern) {
evt.directMatch = true;
evt.override = evt.routes[evt.host][index];
if (evt.host === '*') evt.override.matchType = 'wildcard';
else evt.override.matchType = 'direct';
if (!evt.directMatch) {
const patternReplaced = evt.routes[evt.host][index].pattern.replace(/{.*}/, '{}');
const patternReplacedSplit = patternReplaced.split('/');
if (evt.urlParts.length === patternReplacedSplit.length) {
let patternReplacedMatch = true;
for (let i = 0; i < evt.urlParts.length; i++) {
if (evt.urlParts[i] !== patternReplacedSplit[i] && patternReplacedSplit[i] !== '{}') {
patternReplacedMatch = false;
if (patternReplacedMatch) {
evt.override = evt.routes[evt.host][index];
if (evt.host === '*') evt.override.matchType = 'wildcard';
else evt.override.matchType = 'direct';
for (let i = 0, l = evt.urlParts.length; i < l; i++) {
let workaround = false;
if (!patternSplit[i]) {
workaround = true;
patternSplit[i] = '';
const reg = patternSplit[i].match(/{(.*)}/);
if (reg) evt.param[reg[1]] = evt.urlParts[i];
else {
if (patternSplit[i] !== evt.urlParts[i] && !evt.wildcardSet) {
evt.match = false; break;
} else {
if (!evt.currentRoute) evt.match = false;
if (evt.match === true && !evt.currentRoute && !evt.override) {
evt.currentRoute = evt.routes[evt.host][index];
if (evt.host === '*') evt.currentRoute.matchType = 'wildcard';
else evt.currentRoute.matchType = 'direct';
let index; let total;
if (evt && evt.routes && evt.routes[evt.host]) {
for (index = 0, total = evt.routes[evt.host].length; index < total; index++) {
if (evt && !evt.match) {
evt.match = true;
if (evt.wildcardSet && evt.routes[evt.wildcardSet[evt.host]] &&
evt.routes[evt.wildcardSet[evt.host]][evt.wildcardSet[index]]) {
evt.currentRoute = evt.routes[evt.wildcardSet[evt.host]][evt.wildcardSet[index]];
} else if (evt && evt.routes && evt.routes[evt.host] &&
evt.routes[evt.host][0] && evt.routes[evt.host][0].app) {
evt.currentRoute = {app: evt.routes[evt.host][0].app};
if (evt.host === '*' && evt.currentRoute) evt.currentRoute.matchType = 'wildcard';
else if (evt.currentRoute) evt.currentRoute.matchType = 'direct';
}, source);
* (Internal > Stream Methods [6]) Check Overrides & Match
* @private
* @memberof Server.Modules.AppEngine
* @function pipelines.search.checkAndMatch
* @ignore
* @param {observable} source - The Source Observable
* @return {observable} destination - The Destination Observable
* @description
* Tbc...
* @example
* Tbc...
pipelines.search.checkAndMatch = function AppEngineSPLCheckAndMatch(source) {
// noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction
return core.lib.rxOperator(function AppEngineSPLCheckAndMatchOp(observer, evt) {
if (!evt.results) evt.results = [];
if (evt.override) evt.currentRoute = evt.override;
if (evt.match && evt.currentRoute) evt.results.push({match: evt.currentRoute, param: evt.param});
if (evt.results.length !== 1) {
const intermediateResults = [];
for (let i = 0; i < evt.results.length; i++) {
if (evt.results[i].match.matchType === 'direct') intermediateResults.push(evt.results[i]);
if (intermediateResults && intermediateResults.length === 1) {
evt.results = intermediateResults;
evt.result = evt.results[0];
} else evt.result = false;
} else evt.result = evt.results[0];
'AppEngine > [6] Overrides and matches have been checked',
}, source);