Tutorial: Server Configuration

Server Configuration


This guide has been written to give you a comprehensive overview on the different aspects of the application server that can be configured, and how to do it. To start with, let's have a look at the configuration file specification:

Attribute {mod} Description
{mod} N/A The first JSON key is the module name
{mod}.banner core The text banner that is rendered on the console on server startup
{mod}.maxObjectListeners core The max number of listeners on any module or interface (they are all event emitters)
{mod}.modules[] core An array of all modules that are available. Each array item is a string (containing module name). Precede the module name by a full stop (.) to disable it
{mod}.interfaces[] core An array of all interfaces that are available. Each array item is a string (containing interface name). Precede the interface name by a full stop (.) to disable it
{mod}.startupModules[] core An array of all modules that should be loaded on startup (in order of load)
{mod}.timeouts core An object that describes the various server timeouts
{mod}.timeouts.loadDependencies core The timeout period (in milliseconds) when loading dependencies (modules and interfaces)
{mod}.timeouts.closeModules core The timeout period (in milliseconds) when closing modules (and interfaces)
{mod}.locations core An object that describes the locations of key folders for when the server is operating in stand-alone mode
{mod}.locations.services core The path to the services folder
{mod}.locations.cache core The path to the cache folder
{mod}.enabled errorhandler (Boolean) true or false - Whether the ErrorHandler module is enabled or not
{mod}.timeout errorhandler The timeout in milliseconds between when an error is thrown and when it must be handled by
{mod}.server farm An object describing the current server within a server farm (or cluster)
{mod}.server.port farm The port that the local farm node is listening on for cluster services
{mod}.server.cache farm The path to the cache file for the cluster/farm
{mod}.server.seeds[] farm An array of strings - each an IP address for another cluster/farm node (or server) that the current node can connect to


Now, let's have a look at the an example - the default configuration file (is-blackrock-default.json):

    "cli": {},

    "configure": {},

    "core": {
        "banner": "Blackrock Application Server (Default)",
        "maxObjectListeners": 100,
        "modules": ["cli", "core", ".configure", "daemon", "errorhandler", ".farm", ".generator", ".i18n",
            ".installer", "jobs", "logger", "router", ".sandbox", "app-engine", "utilities"],
        "interfaces": [".axon", "http", ".nanomsg", ".ssh", "websockets", ".zeromq"],
        "startupModules": ["logger", "utilities", "daemon", "cli"],
        "timeouts": {
            "loadDependencies": 5000,
            "closeModules": 5000
        "locations": {
            "services": "/opt/is-blackrock/services",
            "cache": "/opt/is-blackrock/cache"

    "daemon": {},

    "error-handler": {
        "enabled": true,
        "timeout": 5000

    "farm": {
        "server": {
            "port": 8001,
            "cache": "scuttlebutt.dat"
        "seeds": [""]

    "generator": {},

    "i18n": {},

    "installer": {},

    "interfaces": {
        "http": {
            "http": {
                "enabled": true,
                "ssl": false,
                "port": 8080,
                "requestTimeout": 10000,
                "log": false,
                "fileUploadPath": "/tmp/blackrock/upload",
                "maxUploadFileSizeMb": 50
        "websockets": {
            "websockets": {
                "enabled": true,
                "httpInterface": "http"
        "axon": {},
        "nanomsg": {},
        "ssh": {},
        "zeromq": {}

    "jobs": {},

    "logger": {
        "enabled": true,
        "levels": ["startup", "shutdown", "warning", "error", "fatal", "debug"],
        "logMetadataObjects": false,
        "sinks": {
            "console": {
                "enabled": true
            "file": {
                "enabled": true,
                "location": "/var/log/is-blackrock-log.txt"
        "heartbeat": {
            "console": false,
            "heartbeatFreq": 10000,
            "cacheFreq": 10000

    "router": {
        "instances": {
            "RouterOne": {
                "interfaces": ["*"],
                "services": ["*"]

    "sandbox": {},

    "app-engine": {
        "allow": {
            "cfg": true,
            "pkg": true,
            "fetchBasePath": true,
            "shutdown": false,
            "globals": true,
            "modules": {
                "cli": [],
                "daemon": [],
                "errorhandler": [],
                "farm": [],
                "generator": [],
                "i18n": [
                    "init", "t", "use", "exists", "getFixedT", "changeLanguage", "loadNamespaces", "loadLanguages",
                    "reloadResources", "setDefaultNamespace", "dir", "format", "createInstance", "cloneInstance",
                    "on", "off", "getResource", "addResource", "addResources", "addResourceBundle", "hasResourceBundle",
                    "getDataByLanguage", "getResourceBundle", "removeResourceBundle", "createAppInstances"
                "identity": [],
                "installer": [],
                "jobs": ["add", "remove"],
                "logger": ["log"],
                "router": [],
                "sandbox": [],
                "app-engine": ["app(appName)", "appStats"],
                "universe": [],
                "utilities": [
                    "randomString", "uuid4", "isJSON", "objectLength", "getCurrentDateInISO", "validateString",
                    "cloneObject", "modules.loadModule", "csv.parse", "crypto.encrypt", "crypto.decrypt",
                    "xml", "system.getMemoryUse", "system.getCpuLoad", "system.getStartTime", "system.getEndTime",
                    "system.getObjectMemoryUsage", "isUndefined", "isNull", "isNil", "path", "prop", "assign"
                "http": [
                    "client.request", "client.get", "client.post", "client.put", "client.delete",
                    "get", "hook.add", "hook.remove"
                "websockets": [],
                "axon": [],
                "nanomsg": [],
                "ssh": [],
                "zeromq": []
        "runtime": {
            "apps": {
                "allowLoad": true,
                "allowUnload": true,
                "allowOverride": false
            "controllers": {
                "allowLoad": true,
                "allowUnload": true,
                "allowOverride": false
        "sandbox": {
            "default": false,
            "allowOverride": false

    "universe": {},

    "utilities": {}